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Oh man, this was the funniest thing I ever saw!!!

People have way too much sparetime these days! Good thing they use it for this useful stuff!! Hilarious!!
Coinality was tight. Kind of reminded me of Kabal's old fatality where he spins the shit out of the opponent and shreds them with his weapon (don't know what those things are called)

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
If you're going to blatantly advertise, at least put that shit in your signature.

That being said, sick fucking band.
Hey! thanks a lot dude, forealzees. But its my TapaTalk sig, didn't actually know it was dropping it in the body, :facepalm: but hey, could be worse, I could always be that douche posting threads every week about a show I'm playing or posting up flyers in regional forums. No one likes that guy. :D

That being said....you clicked it! Mission accomplished. J/k dude, Thx for checking it out. Too bad we're on diff consoles or we could game..bummer.

Hey! thanks a lot dude, forealzees. But its my TapaTalk sig, didn't actually know it was dropping it in the body, :facepalm: but hey, could be worse, I could always be that douche posting threads every week about a show I'm playing or posting up flyers in regional forums. No one likes that guy. :D

That being said....you clicked it! Mission accomplished. J/k dude, Thx for checking it out. Too bad we're on diff consoles or we could game..bummer.

haha I see, my bad. Yeah man I got suckered right in lol. Seriously one of the best bands I've listened to lately though dude.

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
haha I see, my bad. Yeah man I got suckered right in lol. Seriously one of the best bands I've listened to lately though dude.
Right on brosef. UberThanks again for listening dude! Tell your friends! :D ill take er down till I get my real Sig. Hopefully CaliJoker sees me worthy to get one of his killer sigs. :headbang: