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Po. Tay. Toe. Potatoe. Pocket potatoes.


It's all so very confusing.
Preheat oven to 400deg.

Take and clean potatoe(s). Skin on. Dry potatoe (s). Place potatoe on square of aluminum foil large enough to wrap entire potatoe with room to spare. Use a larger piece than you typically would for a normal baked potatoe.

Take 1/4 stick of butter. Yes that's a lot. Quarter stick her tater. Do it. Smear on top of potatoe. Take sea salt, regular salt works but sea salt is much better, and shake generous amount on to butter and on to foil around potatoe. Now take parmesan cheese (or mix of parm/asiago/romano) , like you'd use on spaghetti.. Sprinkle liberally on butter and on foil surrounding potatoe.

Now, stab potatoe once with something. I use a butter knife but it's whatever. Take corners of foil and fold corners up so they meet above the potatoe. Done right it makes a sort of bowl around the potatoe. Now gently squeeze top of foil together so it wraps around potatoe and is mostly.closed off at the top, but the potatoe has some room in the bowl you've created. Do not wrap.potatoe tightly like you would a normal baked potatoe.

Now bake in oven. 1h 10m seems to work really well for normal sized potatoes, but you will need to add more.time if you use huge potatoes. Always add more time than you think you need. If undercookesd they are terrible and its difficult to overcook them.

Once done, remove and leave wrapped up. Set aside for 30m or so. Once cool enough to eat. Grab and eat it like an apple. Skin and all. These make awesome snacks and are great to wrap up after cooking and throw in a backpack or pocket.

I am the best.