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plz help me w/ mameox


guys i'm so confused..i stayed up all night long and finally succeeded in softmodding my xbox w/ linux and xbmc. i installed the snes emulator and a few roms and it works just fine. this machine is amazing except for i cannot figure out how to add roms to the mameox emulator..ive tried to transfer them every way possible. i saw something online about adding the zip file to the emulators rom list but i havent tried it yet becuz the xbox is at my cousins house..also ive read alot of things that say games after mk2 dont run a full speed sometimes...(could this be the emulator)...i know the xbox has more than enough power to run umk3 and killer instinct so wtf are ppl talking about.. guys please give me some tips on how to successfully add roms to the emulator and also some tips to make it run at full spd..there has to be something that i've done wrong..i got all my roms from romworld i believe.. should i erase all those roms and specifically get roms from mameox??? this shit is confusing..please help me.


frznsldr said:
guys i'm so confused..i stayed up all night long and finally succeeded in softmodding my xbox w/ linux and xbmc. i installed the snes emulator and a few roms and it works just fine. this machine is amazing except for i cannot figure out how to add roms to the mameox emulator..ive tried to transfer them every way possible. i saw something online about adding the zip file to the emulators rom list but i havent tried it yet becuz the xbox is at my cousins house..also ive read alot of things that say games after mk2 dont run a full speed sometimes...(could this be the emulator)...i know the xbox has more than enough power to run umk3 and killer instinct so wtf are ppl talking about.. guys please give me some tips on how to successfully add roms to the emulator and also some tips to make it run at full spd..there has to be something that i've done wrong..i got all my roms from romworld i believe.. should i erase all those roms and specifically get roms from mameox??? this shit is confusing..please help me.
First, I don't think this is the right section to post this in, but anyway...

MAME on xbox is pretty basic, and a lot of games don't run full speed. The xbox doesn't have enough RAM to emulate a lot of arcade games. If you really want to play MK2 on your xbox, get Shaolin Monks or MAT2. If you still feel like trying, you should be able to FTP the rom files from your PC into the MAMEoX folder on your xbox.


ive tried to ftp the files but only the snes files seem to work...nothing else shows up...fuck it what kind of tower do i need and wat r the minimum specs for mame with maximus.?? i'm gnna buy a tower plz help


frznsldr said:
ive tried to ftp the files but only the snes files seem to work...nothing else shows up...fuck it what kind of tower do i need and wat r the minimum specs for mame with maximus.?? i'm gnna buy a tower plz help
MK2 doesn't really need a lot of power. I have a Pentium 4 3.2ghz, and a gig of ram and it plays fine. I've never used any kind of front-end so I can't comment on Maximus.