How's my volume?
Well the first day of E3 has gone by, and Sony has revealed the name of the project formerly known as NGP: The Playstation Vita.
So, I thought it would be good to start a thread for people who are planning to get it, so they can discuss all they want about it (without you know, illegal stuff) and its games; like their thoughts on how well a particular game is going to do, recommendations, reverse recommendations, how you feel the system as a whole will do. Really, anything will do as long as it's on topic, and no flames/console wars come into this, as no one wants to sift through all of that, and it'll likely be removed anyway. Take it to Private Messages if you REALLY need to talk about it. Finally, the news, news on new games or hardware or even new versions of the system coming out is appreciated.
Now that the introductory part of the post is over with, my opinion on the Vita and how well it will do.
First thing's first, what's with the name Vita? It's not important, it's just a strange name, and I was wondering if it had meaning to it. Anyway, the system is pretty advanced for a handheld, and I was really surprised to see what the price of the system is. 250-300 dollars is not bad at all with all the features it has.
HOWEVER, at least in the beginning of the system's life, I don't think it will sell well, mainly because of the reputation that the PSP gained, as a system with no games of its own. So far, from the games seen, it doesn't look like it's changing much, as most of the games shown were just slightly different versions of games that were on the PS3, however I had not seen all of the games that were shown for it (like I mentioned in another thread, I fell asleep during the press conference) so I may be wrong in this assumption. Still, I feel that the system will need some QUALITY games on it, if they want the game to be a success. Also, be a lot tougher with your anti-piracy measures on the first version of the console, because everyone I know who had a PSP didn't buy any of the games.
So, with that out of the way, anyone have a list of confirmed games for the Vita?
So, I thought it would be good to start a thread for people who are planning to get it, so they can discuss all they want about it (without you know, illegal stuff) and its games; like their thoughts on how well a particular game is going to do, recommendations, reverse recommendations, how you feel the system as a whole will do. Really, anything will do as long as it's on topic, and no flames/console wars come into this, as no one wants to sift through all of that, and it'll likely be removed anyway. Take it to Private Messages if you REALLY need to talk about it. Finally, the news, news on new games or hardware or even new versions of the system coming out is appreciated.
Now that the introductory part of the post is over with, my opinion on the Vita and how well it will do.
First thing's first, what's with the name Vita? It's not important, it's just a strange name, and I was wondering if it had meaning to it. Anyway, the system is pretty advanced for a handheld, and I was really surprised to see what the price of the system is. 250-300 dollars is not bad at all with all the features it has.
HOWEVER, at least in the beginning of the system's life, I don't think it will sell well, mainly because of the reputation that the PSP gained, as a system with no games of its own. So far, from the games seen, it doesn't look like it's changing much, as most of the games shown were just slightly different versions of games that were on the PS3, however I had not seen all of the games that were shown for it (like I mentioned in another thread, I fell asleep during the press conference) so I may be wrong in this assumption. Still, I feel that the system will need some QUALITY games on it, if they want the game to be a success. Also, be a lot tougher with your anti-piracy measures on the first version of the console, because everyone I know who had a PSP didn't buy any of the games.
So, with that out of the way, anyone have a list of confirmed games for the Vita?