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Playing Raven on Stick?


I miss you
Hi, just a quick one: Does anyone here plays Raven on a fightstick? I'm considering in buyiong one but I'm quite scared of not being able to put the pillars where I want them to be. Any experience on this?

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
Hi, just a quick one: Does anyone here plays Raven on a fightstick? I'm considering in buyiong one but I'm quite scared of not being able to put the pillars where I want them to be. Any experience on this?
I do play her on stick. They do take time to get used to as far as aiming your pillars.


Neutral Skipper
I did for a bit. I find Injustice and MK much easier to play on pad, but that's just me.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
I don't play raven, but I use a stick and I will tell you a stick is so much more comfortable and natural feeling than a d-pad. The button layout makes doing much of the execution easier with your combos. Learning to use the stick for execution and movement takes a bit of practice, but once you adjust to using it you will look at you d-pad and think how the hell did even play using that thing. I can't even use a d-pad for any other fighter anymore it just feels awkward now. Its a good investment, but a lil pricey. IF you do buy a stick make sure its something that can be used on both 360 and PS3 it just makes less hassle when playing tournys. I recommend the 8arc sticks they may cost close to 200 or more but they are great quality. I wish I would have gotten one before I bought my Madcat, but if price is an issue you can get a madcat for about 100 bucks on amazon, they just aren't useable for both platforms.


Couldn't handle it. Might have been down to inexperience with the stick, but last second adjustment with the pillars was wonky as hell. Would've love to have tried it with a hitbox though.