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Question - Hollywood Playing cassie

How do you guys Play your cassie. I've recently ran into two online with vastly different playstyles. One was a solid safe rush down with amazing reads the other just sat back patient as hell and wouldn't budge. They seemed to both understand what my defensive and offensive options were which brings me to this question. How do you play your cassie?

For me its a mixture of rush down and a little ninjitsu scorpion I'll throw in some random back dashes I don't bait nearly as much as I should. And probably over use D4. Nor do I hit confirm B12 into flip kick as much as I should.


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
I've found that hit confirming b12 into db2 when they're already in the air is much easier as it launches them higher. Example: 242+212+b12~db2 run in and end it with b12 db4 or b12 bf3.

Other than that Cassie is all about rushdown, keep the pressure up, do her 441 or 442 mixups as well as f43. Make them respect those and go in for the corner kill.