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Places to get in Offline Casuals


So these are posted on facebook but for appearance sake the info will be posted here as well:

SRK UW Friday Sessions
Every Friday unless otherwise stated.
A 1st floor room in Savery Hall

PARKING: If you have any other suggestions, please add them below. The UW's night parking rate starts at 5pm and is $10/night for the garage and $5 for other lots. Street parking is free starting at 8pm. Finally, free parking at anytime can be found further west, but it is a bit of a walk.

Battle For Seattle/PB Battles Tournament
Gamebreakerz LAN Center
4111 A Street, Auburn, WA 98002
2nd and 4th Saturday of each month

Despite the different audience most of the players at SRK UW and Battle for Seattle are generally cool with no animosity towards MK9. We used to be a part of Battle for Seattle before the Fall and various events affected our attendance for tournaments. I'm sure we will work our way back into one of these tournaments especially since Injustice will be coming out soon.

Either way I think some offline games should happen this weekend and the question is which will be attended?