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Photos and Videos from MLG columbus. Add yours!


Mostly I just got a few cell phone shots of the venue. It was huge! Loved it. Star Craft was kinda the main event, and their set up was.... wow! lol

I want to play in my own private booth lol

Star Craft

Kinda blurry, but you get the idea

So many great players. And so many games I've never heard of! lol



What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
man i wish i was there i remember when i went to c bus in 09 for halo 3, wow how mlg has grown, there was only two main stage setups, btw was there an astro booth and dr pepper booth? i remember the hotel lobby and the places to eat around there, and the creppiest convention was held at the same time as mlg, it was some holloween convention and all throught the weekend there were like people dressed in freakish costumes around the hotel lol the hotel linked to the convention center where i stayed at least with a long hallway, man....... the memories
Starcraft players get their own booths?!

Wowzers. They're not spoiled at all! lol :p
It's a game of limited information; they can't have what they don't know get spoiled by the commentators yelling through the speakers or the entire crowd cheering loudly! Those booths are 100% soundproof with loud-ass music being pumped inside of them, along with each player wearing noise cancelling headphones over noise cancelling earbuds. they go HARD haha

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
It's a game of limited information; they can't have what they don't know get spoiled by the commentators yelling through the speakers or the entire crowd cheering loudly!
Oh duh, being a very casual Starcraft player, I should have thought about that. lol

Makes complete sense now.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
It's a game of limited information; they can't have what they don't know get spoiled by the commentators yelling through the speakers or the entire crowd cheering loudly! Those booths are 100% soundproof with loud-ass music being pumped inside of them, along with each player wearing noise cancelling headphones over noise cancelling earbuds. they go HARD haha

Yeah, pretty crazy