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Peckapowa wins All up in yo MAss #1


Searching for an alt.
This was a big week for our New England NRS scene. One of our biggest supporters and hosts, Game Underground, is moving down to the street to an expanded location. They have long been huge suuporters of the fgc. The local community decided to turn the venue fee to "pay what you want" and all of it went to funding equipment and permanent space in the new store for fighting game setups, streaming, and weekly/monthly tournaments.

Also, this new video game came out, MKX I think it's called?

With that in mind, as much time in the lab as we could muster, and a two-hours-old patch that was shrouded in mysterious "gameplay balances" we had our first MKX tournament. There were drops, mistimed setups, missed punishes, un-optimized combos, accidental run cancels, a surprising number of throw techs, and a healthy dose of salt.

A solid 42 people entered, and the matches got intense real quick.

Results are as follows:
1. PechaPowa @Peckapowa
2. BennKX @BennKX
3. Dumb455t3r @DUMB455T3R
4. McPeanuts @MK Peanuts
5. Ace of Knaves @AceOfKnaves
5. RPD MCZ Alex Smith @blueNINE
7. Deez Bunz
7. STB ImBlackJames @imblackjames

[HERE] is the challonge bracket.

[HERE] is the twitch archive, MKX starts at 2:06:00
Apologies for my rambling monotone commentary in grand finals, I'll be better next time. Youtube playlist will be embedded once it is uploaded.

You can find info about GU [on their website] [their facebook page] [by following on twitter] and watch many past tournaments for all fighting games [on youtube].
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Searching for an alt.
I live i New England and i wanna go to tournaments for mkx. When is the tournaments and where is gameunderground located? Maybe ill join you guys soon :D
Awesome! Always happy to have more people. The next tournament isn't scheduled yet, but keep an eye on the new england thread and GUs facebook. I put a link to that in the OP, and I'll be sure to tag you whenever the event page for our next one goes up. They do friday night fight nights, and I know there are going to be people practicing MKX there every week.

GU is moving into the natick mall, which is here: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Natick Mall/@42.300849,-71.383118,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x79faae67261fc5f


Who'd you guys use? Pecka I'm guessing Quan Chi?
PechaPowa -Quan chi (summoner)
BennKX - Erron Black (gunslinger) /Jax(wrestler)?
Dumb455t3r - Goro (DragonFangs)
4th place: McPeanuts - Kenshi(balanced/Possesed)
5th place tie: AceOfKnaves - Ferra/Torr(Vicious)
RPD MCZ Alex Smith - Kung Lao (Buzz saw)
7th place tie: Deez Bunz - Goro?
STB ImBlackJames - Kano(commando)

was top 8 with charachters


In a relationship with Killer Frost
Bummer I missed this. Just got back on TYM for the first time in a long time, of course returning for MK X. Living in Northern Maine and Boston is a solid 5 hour drive from home but I'll try to make it out if and when this happens next!!!