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Im almost done with Outlast and im really enjoying it. the production level is very high, the graphics are incredible, atmosphere is incredible. only thing that annoys me is the CONSTANT jump scares

is amnesia as good/better? should i paly the first one first or the new one that just came out?

what do you guys think of these games/do you recommend any similar ones


You should definitely try out the first one. I dont' know about the second one though. Huge disappointment TBH.

Mr Swizzerr

Yeh that dying light game looks good, Saw some gameplay of that few days ago.


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
I'm not a big fan of either. I don't get whats with survival horror and the absence of combat. I'm not saying lets make it doom up in this bitch but i'm pretty sure one of the aspects of survival is fighting.


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
Fixed it for you. Mike, pls.
back a dog in a corner and his instinct is to bite the shit out of you.

I'm not asking for like heavy weaponry ya know? I kinda want like a classic RE weaponry.

Shit a few rounds left, where yes I should run but I can also use this gun when I absolutely have too.


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
Back a dog in a corner -> you deserve to die. It's called survival bro, stay away from those corners next time.

The best part of some survival horror games is the fact that you can't fight back. But I agree with you that old RE games with weapons got it right. R.I.P. newly shit rambo series.
I had the idea of a horror game where you really only get one gun, and that gun you have to manipulate all parts of it (kind of like that indie game Receiver). I don't know about you but having a monster running at me and i'm struggling to reload the gun is pretty scary shit.


Death is my business
Huge survival / horror fan here , my 2 personal suggestions:

Call of Chtulu Dark Corners of the Earth , loved the story and the persistent terror and madness this game has , gameplay is kinda FPS but you don't go around killin mythological monsters , you're always trying to avoid them.

Vampire The Masquearade Bloodlines , not really survival , but the horror and suspence is there , weird RPGish level up system and powers , the best part of this game is the atmosphere and conversations , some crazy shit goes on in this one.

Only downside ( if we really want to call it that way ) is that the games are old and the graphics aren't the best


I freaking love horror games. Haven't had a chance to play Outlast yet though. Here's some other cool horror games you might like:

Call of Cthulu: Dark Corners of the Earth
Condemned series
FEAR (mainly 1 and 2, 3 kinda sucks)
Fatal Frame series
HL1 mod Afraid of Monsters (this game is survival horror to an extreme in my opinion)
Penumbra series (predecessor to the Amnesia games)
Scratches: Director's Cut
STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl and STALKER: Call of Pripyat (these were the 2 in the series that had more horror elements in my opinion)
System Shock 2 (predecessor to BioShock)


Kuff Botal
I watched a Lets Play on Outlast and the game was amazing and very well done. I havent heard good things about the new Amnesia Machine for pigs I think its called. The original I have heard is very good though

Johnny San

Shazzy's Biggest Fan
If you're wanting something more akin to Outlast, I'd play the first Amnesia.
The second Amnesia traded inventory and numerous monster encounters for story and atmosphere. Not to mention all the custom stories you can install in the first one.

I'm playing Silent Hill 1 right now and for game as old as it is, it's scaring the shit out of me.

Fuck these guys