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Online Play Issues!!!


Of all the things that get bitched about on TYM, the atrocious number of dropped matches online should be #1. Out of the last 10 KOTH matches I have tried to play, at least 6 have ended with some sort of drop; either because another player is trying to join, or we start to get booted one at a time.

Also, the number of players listed in a room is usually wrong. KOTH matches seem to count as one player overall and if more people start to join a room, because the game thinks there are open slots, people will start getting kicked out of the room once they leave the KOTH lobby. In other words a room will not appear to be full even though it is.

I think both issues contributes to the other and I would rather see something such as this resolved instead of character nerfs/buffs.


I've experienced this problem occasionally. Three/four friends will be chatting loudly as everybody spectates the match. Then anywhere from 1-everybody in the damn lobby gets booted randomly.


Yes, servers are atrocious. I have a 100Mbit connection with an average of 10 to 20ms latency an I get "session not available" once every 5 to 10 match attempts. And no, I don't use wireless with my PS3 and I only ever play people with at least 3 bar connections. Something is not quite right.
Everything went relatively smoothly before my internet had to be downgraded somewhat.
Perhaps you require better internet? The internet connection of others can add up to your problems as well.


Yeah, I can only play half of the matches I try to play. It's usually 'game session is no longer available'. With some people I can't seem to connect at all. Firewall is open. I've only played a handfull of KOTH matches because of this. Ranked seems to be beter, like 95% success rate. Let's hope the patch fixes some of this. I believe they improved some things about the online, or are at least trying to.


Everything went relatively smoothly before my internet had to be downgraded somewhat.
Perhaps you require better internet? The internet connection of others can add up to your problems as well.
Yeah I have thought about this quite a bit and I don't doubt that it could be part of the problem. The only variable that makes me feel otherwise is that the connections will have 0 problems for two days and be completely useless the next. I was connecting wirelessly, but then I found my 60ft Ethernet cable and ruled wifi issues out.

Glad (relatively) that others are having similar issues with a much higher bandwidth. Didn't want to make this into a bitch-fest, but if NRS really visits the forums and listens to the community then hopefully we can make this a priority. Cheers!


Well, obviously the servers have some troubles. If your own connection is sub par as well then that adds up rather quickly and you won't be able to play anything. Interestingly enough it seems to have to do with certain players only. I've tried to re-challenge people that got me the session message. I've tried up to five times and sometimes with several minutes and other matches in between. I just can't connect to them... at all. Other players worked just fine but there seems to be some kind of problem with certain other players only.

It could just be a coincidence but I never had a disconnect with the matchmaking system. Just with challenges within rooms. Also, some of the rooms sometimes disappear which seems to point to problems with the lobby system itself.


I did some research although no testing on my own so take this here as "read somewhere else on the internet". People claim that the "session no longer available" message is the result of a echo request timeout sent back and forth between the players. This essentially means that the game measures the latency between two players and pops this message if the value exceeds a certain threshold (100ms is assumed) the game deems not good enough for playing. It is assumed that this check is not only done during the handshake but also during game play.

I suspect that the "connection bar" you see in the game is the visual representation between the players PS3 and the Injustice lobby server. As explained above the "session" message is the result of your connection to your opponent. This means that you and your opponent can each have a full connection bar yet you still can't play each other because the connection between the two of you is simply too slow.