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Online modes/features


Neutral Skipper
I get the feeling that Hectah may talk about this on the 19th but what would you like to see? Apart from a decent netcode I'm hoping for a replay feature and a YouTube Uploader, that was the absolute shit on DOA5.

Oh, and a rage quit penalty as humiliating as Mahvel's.


Skarlet who ?
Replay feature would be nice. Love watching replays in SSF4:AE/SFxT online modes. But still, if online is as bad as in MK9, these features won't really matter to me.


Neutral Skipper
What happened when you rage quit in Marvel?
You get a little skull medal next to your name so everybody knows to avoid you. And I'm not sure how many times you need to rage quit for this to happen but eventually you're sent to ragequitter hell where you can only fight other ragequitters.


I'm innocent, I mean..not guilty.
Just gimme a decent net code and I won't complain even if these modes was just ranked & player matches.


Eternal student
You get a little skull medal next to your name so everybody knows to avoid you. And I'm not sure how many times you need to rage quit for this to happen but eventually you're sent to ragequitter hell where you can only fight other ragequitters.
So it's like BlazBlue's thing of making gamertags red.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
You get a little skull medal next to your name so everybody knows to avoid you. And I'm not sure how many times you need to rage quit for this to happen but eventually you're sent to ragequitter hell where you can only fight other ragequitters.
That ragequitter hell thing never happened. At least not to my knowledge. They talked about it but it never really worked if it was there. Salty dudes still ragequit us all. The system simply thought they had "lost connection" so the system may as well have never existed. There is no worse feeling than finally beasting online with an Iron Fist team only to start getting dudes dropping out rather than take a loss. It aint easy to make a team for a dude who has no way in and no mixups or airdash at least let a man enjoy it.


Scary Bat
I, um, wouldn't mind a better skill match-up system. I'm not exactly awesome but nor am I terrible. Beating people who are a lot worse than you sucks because it's really unfair on them and they tend to quit. Playing against pros makes me want to cry.

Like even of Soul Calibur where they had a levelling system for online it would still offer you a fight against a level 50 or whatever even if you were like... level 2.


Neutral Skipper
That ragequitter hell thing never happened. At least not to my knowledge. They talked about it but it never really worked if it was there.
Oh, well it's never happened to me but I just assumed since everybody was talking about it.
I get the feeling that Hectah may talk about this on the 19th but what would you like to see? Apart from a decent netcode I'm hoping for a replay feature and a YouTube Uploader, that was the absolute shit on DOA5.
I agree. I also want DOA5-esque lobbies. I strongly believe that lobbies are a necessity for online fighting games.

Oh, and a rage quit penalty as humiliating as Mahvel's.
Didn't play Marvel, but I read the explanation of it in this thread and I don't support this. I believe that people have the right to quit if they want. It's annoying, yes, but the whole point of playing a game is to have fun. If you're not having fun, what do you do? You stop. Nothing wrong with that in my book.