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Online Impressions


I'm just curious as to what you guys think of the online portion of the game. Specifically, how's the lag? Does the KoH mode run smoothly? The most important question is, is it fun? I have a PS3 so I'm certainly most interested in any feedback the PS guys can give.

I didn't have a chance to get online with it last night and the suspense is killing me!
I have a good cnxn so there usually is no lag. Ranked mode is aggravating though. You can only fight one battle then you have to find someone new. Gets sickening pretty quick because of the waiting. You're better off just sticking with player matches. It's more fun than I thought it would be though. I hope the feeling lasts.
My impressions are good. I did however experience my first online lag match, wasnt happy.

im finding it impossible to actually get in and play a KOH match, i tried at least 50 times last night, no luck at all.

the only thing is that its a mindfuck trying to find your friends, there are so many rooms and matches its like having 50 meetings at the same time at work,wtf....

its funny, the lobby in-room chats are already for of shit talkers as if the game has been out for a year already,lol


EFL Founder
King of the Hill is the laggiest thing I've ever seen. I don't think it's an accurate connection for all those players in the same room.


Mr. Sexy Pants
I haven't tried online yet, but is this actually something that can be fixed in a future patch?
It's ranged from atrocious to nearly perfect, which is pretty much what I expected. Give it a week, no game has decent online the first week it's out, ESPECIALLY day one.


Cool, thanks for the input guys. It is rather sad but it seems whenever a new game launches these days that the MP usually suffers. Hopefully they will be able to patch up they net code to make the game run consistently smooth on-line. Luckily for us, the players, WB seems committed to this game. Hopefully that commitment includes patches and bug fixes.
Played a good 30 or so matches today, very satisfied with connection speed for the most part. Matchmaking still seems to be broken but it's easy to find matches in the chat rooms. Already seems better than MvC3/SSF4's atrocious netcode.


Had some fun matches in KotH mode today, connection was really good with 4-5 players in the room then two more guys joined and it got pretty laggy and kicked me out. The 1v1 matches have all been really good so far, I've been sorting by connection and challenging the guys at the top so maybe that's why.
ScheissNussen said:
I don't even want to know what this is like on PSN when its available of course.
Just had to throw in the console fanboy jab didn't you :)
Regardless, when PSN was working (Tuesday and Wednesday) I encountered a fair amount of lag. More so than most my matches in SSFIV but way way less than MK II PSN. When playing Dookiebrain and CrazySlasher, minimal lag...guess it just depends greatly on player. I am willing to bet my hard earned Koins that the netcode will subjected to a few rounds of patches in the coming weeks/months. Not a bad start, none-the-less.

I do agree with scheiss...King of the Hill is almost non-functional. On top of that, this mode has reinforced my suspicions that almost all humans are giant assholes. After dominating this sub-zero scrub with night wolf and performing the fatality...I was given something to the tune of 12 respect points out of the possible 40...including a zero rating from the guy I just decimated.
Rain.Dog505 said:
Just had to throw in the console fanboy jab didn't you :)
Regardless, when PSN was working (Tuesday and Wednesday) I encountered a fair amount of lag. More so than most my matches in SSFIV but way way less than MK II PSN. When playing Dookiebrain and CrazySlasher, minimal lag...guess it just depends greatly on player. I am willing to bet my hard earned Koins that the netcode will subjected to a few rounds of patches in the coming weeks/months. Not a bad start, none-the-less.

I do agree with scheiss...King of the Hill is almost non-functional. On top of that, this mode has reinforced my suspicions that almost all humans are giant assholes. After dominating this sub-zero scrub with night wolf and performing the fatality...I was given something to the tune of 12 respect points out of the possible 40...including a zero rating from the guy I just decimated.
I have only encountered 1 guy that was a low rate giver and he did it for everyone in the room , but did encounter a group of respectful players and felt the ratings i was given was fair (6-8)
Goblin Bones said:
I have only encountered 1 guy that was a low rate giver and he did it for everyone in the room , but did encounter a group of respectful players and felt the ratings i was given was fair (6-8)
I imagine...or hope...that your experience becomes the norm once the online herd gets thinned a bit over the next few weeks.


EFL Founder
CrazySlasher27 said:
I've experienced almost no lag since playing. A little bit a few times during some KOTH matches.
Same here but my KOTH experience has been terrible. Even the matches I watch are underwater.