So, i was playing a bit online today.....and yesterday, but i notice lots of players probably 20 out of the 25 matches i played....counter picked me. They would pick a character.....wait till i picked mine and quick back out then switch their pick. Most of them simply just waited to see who i picked then faked a pick & counter picked. I'm ok with counter picking but it looks like i have to hide my cursor now....cause whoever i pick gets counter picked. Now, they didn't always win....but some of them did. Then we'd rematch and they would do it again....as if no one will stick out a match up or use a main anymore. Is this pretty common now? cause i know when the game first came out...ppl were sticking with at least a few characters. Now it seems if u pick a rush down character...they pick a zoner....u pick a zoner(or hybrid)....they pick a zoner (then spam). U pick batz.....they pick batz. lol Anyone else getting this issue on the psn? it seems no one wants to stick to their characters anymore. I would love some productive match experience but i swear i only play against top tier characters. Sups, Batz, GL, Aqua....it starting to kill the online for me.