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Don't run, you're gonna trip...
Okay... I'm a bit embarrassed to ask this but...

How in the HELL do you approach short sets? I'm talking tournament standard 2 out of 3 matches. I am so much worse in short sets than in long sets, which I love.

I just get so twitchy when I know that I have to download my opponent in a very short time. Even when I know what to look for in a match, the fact that it's anonymous and I'm blind to what my opponent is going to be doing drains my mental game to where I can't even play normally. I'm taking unnecessary risks, and I tend to auto pilot a lot. I have a lot of experience playing fighting games yet I fall short when it comes to how to approach different types of opponents and the small differences in their playstyles.

This has been a problem for way too long, and the times I thought I could fix it by "playing more" is kind of doing more damage than good.

AK Black Preon

Gam 1: Just Play you. Do whatever it is you do and simply take note of what worked and what didnt.

Game 2: Do what worked and if they are fixated on blocking throw more.

Game 3: Remember that the opponent has to adapt to you too. Dont over think things.

But in a 1st to 2 its usually best to not do a full 180 on your playstyle and try new things when you're down a game.


undefeated online evo champion
I used to have this problem where I would try to anticipate my opponent's options so much in tournment, I'd end up overthink them most of the time especially if you're familiar with teir playstyle. In longer sets or casuals this isn't a problem, you dont have to worry about making mistakes and are free to take more risks then you could afford when money is on the line.

Of course, you can't do that when the chips are down. When I go into a tournament now, I try to focus on playing the MU as "correct" as possible. I don't worry about who's sitting next to me and choose to focus on strategies that maximize my character's strengths and exploiting the weaknesses of the particular character I'm playing against. I think it helps my over-active brain.

It's why I feel I sometimes do better online because I'm not psyching myself out thinking about the person next to me hitting buttons loud af or whatever other noises. I just get lost in playing my character.