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Oklahoma Tornado Tragedy - 100+ Dead; Casualties Expected to Climb


Blue Blurs for Life!
For those of you who may have been following today's severe weather news, you may be aware of the disastrous tornado outbreak that struck the heart of the United States. My part of the state of Oklahoma was included in the warning area.

Before anybody panics, I am fine, as is my family. And I am sure the other TYM Oklahomans are okay as well, I have checked on some of them and hope to contact the others soon.

Unfortunately, this outbreak was not without tragedy. This tornado that struck the Oklahoma City area, particularly the county of Moore (ten minutes from where I live, I think), has been recorded as the most disastrous tornado since May 1999. It stretched 2.2 miles and leveled just about everything unfortunate enough to be in its path. Some students were taken home early while the schools went into lockdown as the weather approached and the sirens blared, and some parents took the day off from work to ensure the safety of their families.

One particular heartache is the loss of numerous lives at the Plaza Towers Elementary School. After the tornadoes passed, emergency officials hastened over there in a desperate effort to search for survivors. The last I heard, they had recovered twenty-four bodies...none of them had signs of life. Their search continues, but they do not expect to find anybody alive throughout the night. For the moment, they have established a ruined church as their temporary triage center.

Also, the 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students of Briarwood Elementary School have been safely recovered, but the whereabouts of some of the younger children remain unknown. I have also learned of the deaths of a 3-month-old and 4-year-old child, which really tore a hole in my heart and made me grateful that my six-year-old sister, whom I treat like a daughter, is still safe with me, along with my mother. My older sister is safe as well, but she has lost a friend to this killer storm...a friend who gave her life to save her own younger sibling. The death toll has now touched 51, and it may not stop there.

The events of today have left us Oklahomans very emotionally exhausted. I therefore come before my TYM family to ask you all to keep those affected by the tragedy in your thoughts as we work to recover from this setback. We are in the green light now weather-wise, but for how long that will last...well, I live in Tornado Alley. I may be fortunate enough to avoid every tornado that comes tearing through my part of the globe, but it pains me to watch others suffering unfairly.

Thank you for reading, and may your prayers help these people through these times of darkness.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
At least it was nature and not a crazed madman with a gun... but dead is dead. This sucks... I'm glad you are ok Blake.


Dojo Trainee
We got off lucky over in Tulsa. My sister lives in Moore but she was lucky as well. Will be praying for those affected and those who lost loved ones :(


Grapple > Footsies
Been watching this on the news. The past couple of days we have had crazy weather in OK. Luckily nothing major has been in my area. My house was hit by a tornado in 2011 and it was terrible damage and took a year to rebuild. Hope no one ever has to go through stuff like this. Glad you're okay Blake, and my heart goes out to those affected by the recent storms. Stay safe.


Blue Blurs for Life!
I just heard that the death toll passed 100. :(

This sucks ass, man.

Enigma642 K7L33THA

Good to hear you both are all right.

A slight update: apparently the water plant has lost power and they are fighting to restore it. Until then, schools are letting out early due to the water shortage and the increasing amount of substitutes. People are still recovering from the shock of yesterday, and to add to all the agitation, there are more storms on the way...but, these do not appear to be ripe with tornado risks for now.


Blue Blurs for Life!
We seem to be on the way to recovery. Water plant has kicked itself back into motion and our water sources are working again - they've been working since last week, actually. Weather's been peaceful since.

I do have to correct myself, though...the tornado was not an F4 as I initially thought. It had evolved into an EF5, the strongest tornado ever to be known on their graphing scale. In fact, the video below may demonstrate to you just how insane it had gotten.

The last time I asked about the death toll, it had gone past 125. :( They are still recovering people who found themselves lost in the devastation the storm left behind. As for the schools that have been destroyed, they're sending the remainder of their students and teachers on to other schools that have been unaffected so that they may finish out their last days of the school year, before summer vacation commences. They're even replenishing their lost supplies free of charge, such as backpacks, so as to lessen any potential financial weakness the tornado is likely to cause.

Still, rays of sunshine are in the looming horizon. It's up to us to keep reaching out to them.