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OKAY Top 8 finals Houston Texas.


the bop slow mannn. @HandySavageKH - twitter
Hey guys i made my tournament debut at evo 2013 thanks to my team mate Nightmare SF's convincing arguement"ill body them all!" I was compelled enough to see if he would and to get the chsnce to body him if it came down to it. He ended up placing 9th as we all know. I on the other hand hit 4 2 being stopped by a GGA member. Afterwards got to hang with pig, 16 bit, mf slayer, dizzy and a bunch of other great players and honestly and instantly became humble by how much PASSION thesedudes have for the game. I left Vegas with fire to step up and be able to compete with the best.

Got back to Houston and found where the locals were, entered my 2nd tourney and went for it. Here is the video. Went undefeated until grand finals losing 1 round. This is the start of my tourney experience. Ill be posting all upcoming events Nightmare SF and i attend aroundtexas until next big major. Enjoy! Savage out

(Excuse any typos on my phone)

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Hey guys i made my tournament debut at evo 2013 thanks to my team mate Nightmare SF's convincing arguement"ill body them all!" I was compelled enough to see if he would and to get the chsnce to body him if it came down to it. He ended up tslong 9th as we all know. I on the other hand hit 4 2 being stopped by a GGA member. Afterwards got to hang with big, 16 bit, mf slayer, dizzy and a bunch of other great players and honestly and instantly became humble by how much PASSION thesedudes have for the game. I left Vegas with fire to step up and be able to compete with the best.

Got back to Houston and found where the locals were, entered my 2nd tourney and went for it. Here is the video. Went undefeated until grand finals losing 1 round. This is the start of my tourney experience. Ill be posting all upcoming events Nightmare SF and i attend aroundtexas until next big major. Enjoy! Savage out

Has a great time training w you last night
Look forward to more and congrats


the bop slow mannn. @HandySavageKH - twitter
Thanks. Always appreciated, yessir pig, im going to HATE your zod when he reaches your sinestro cailber of play, its going to be retarded with a capital r


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
only started watching very Fun, i like ya amns Bane/Shazam

What happened to Kats Joker? is this the same Kat?


the bop slow mannn. @HandySavageKH - twitter
Yea he didn't wanna play joker for some reason. He went 8 10 early in the games life against my batman and honestly thought he would pull him out. Beast joker, but in a world of f23s in toutnaments...why struggle and put in 85% more work then supes, b adam, or aquaman. I think joker vs bgirl could be a 5 5