This guy looks kind of tuff...
Taking notes on what pig and their crew is doing.. good way to motivate new players to level up and take one of the top 10 rank spots.
Current Houston Top 10 Rankings
1) KH Cat
2)KH Scar
3)KH Shanxter
4)KH Showtime
5)INS DumbLuck
6)Baked Cadaver
7) Andy
8) Jarel
9) MMS Hunted Chimera
10) AKA "Gatekeeper" Insomnia Chris
Results are based off the last 2 insomnia tournaments as well as comicpalooza...
This kept players competitive and the unranked players hungry to get on the top 10. This is for fun and bragging rights no more.
All ranked matches are a first to 5.
You may only challenge a player NO MORE THAN TWO RANKS ABOVE YOU. For example: showtime can challenge scar but not cat
Unranked players may ONLY challenge the Gatekeeper #10
If you win the first to 5 you take that players rank and the other moves down.
Example:Baked cadaver challenges showtime and beat him 5-4
4: baked cadaver
5: showtime
6: dumbluck
You Skunk your Opponent: Beating him 5-0 You swap ranks with your opponent.
Example: baked cadaver beats showtime 5-0
4: baked cadaver
5: dumbluck
6: showtime
You may challenge a individual person once a week. That person may challenge you back as well.
Example: baked cadaver challenges showtime and beat him. Baked cadaver moves up a rank. Showtime can challenge me back. He beats me then BAked cadaver moves back down. After that Showtime and Baked Cadaver can't have another ranking match for a week.
This also applies to the unranked guys as well. You may only challenge the Gatekeeper once a week. If you beat him and become #10 then they can turn around and challenge you as well but after that you two can't play another ranked battle for a week.
In order to stay on the list you must become a regular at these weekly gatherings either at Cats place or at insomnia . If you show up every once in a while then I'll take you off the board. I understand people can't make it out every week and that's fine. As long as you're a regular in the community.
You may not turn down a ranking match. If for some reason you HAVE to leave for whatever reason it must be done at the next level up session or you move down a rank.
You may not play online against someone for a ranking match. This is offline only.
This is seperate from tournament outcomes. Insomnia Tournaments have no effect .
Credit to Walker and Clint for creating it
Id like to see GGA, VSM (if still in existence), KH, EGP, RDK, etc etc All join us in this to create rivalry and hype. Also its a great way for us to know which 5 vs your 5 would meet in a clash region battle.
Edited off AK Pig Of The Huts post
Current Houston Top 10 Rankings
1) KH Cat
2)KH Scar
3)KH Shanxter
4)KH Showtime
5)INS DumbLuck
6)Baked Cadaver
7) Andy
8) Jarel
9) MMS Hunted Chimera
10) AKA "Gatekeeper" Insomnia Chris
Results are based off the last 2 insomnia tournaments as well as comicpalooza...
This kept players competitive and the unranked players hungry to get on the top 10. This is for fun and bragging rights no more.
All ranked matches are a first to 5.
You may only challenge a player NO MORE THAN TWO RANKS ABOVE YOU. For example: showtime can challenge scar but not cat
Unranked players may ONLY challenge the Gatekeeper #10
If you win the first to 5 you take that players rank and the other moves down.
Example:Baked cadaver challenges showtime and beat him 5-4
4: baked cadaver
5: showtime
6: dumbluck
You Skunk your Opponent: Beating him 5-0 You swap ranks with your opponent.
Example: baked cadaver beats showtime 5-0
4: baked cadaver
5: dumbluck
6: showtime
You may challenge a individual person once a week. That person may challenge you back as well.
Example: baked cadaver challenges showtime and beat him. Baked cadaver moves up a rank. Showtime can challenge me back. He beats me then BAked cadaver moves back down. After that Showtime and Baked Cadaver can't have another ranking match for a week.
This also applies to the unranked guys as well. You may only challenge the Gatekeeper once a week. If you beat him and become #10 then they can turn around and challenge you as well but after that you two can't play another ranked battle for a week.
In order to stay on the list you must become a regular at these weekly gatherings either at Cats place or at insomnia . If you show up every once in a while then I'll take you off the board. I understand people can't make it out every week and that's fine. As long as you're a regular in the community.
You may not turn down a ranking match. If for some reason you HAVE to leave for whatever reason it must be done at the next level up session or you move down a rank.
You may not play online against someone for a ranking match. This is offline only.
This is seperate from tournament outcomes. Insomnia Tournaments have no effect .
Credit to Walker and Clint for creating it
Id like to see GGA, VSM (if still in existence), KH, EGP, RDK, etc etc All join us in this to create rivalry and hype. Also its a great way for us to know which 5 vs your 5 would meet in a clash region battle.
Edited off AK Pig Of The Huts post