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official ceremonies

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The hunger games which is about survival of the fittest has an opening ceremony before they go to kill each other. Tron has a club where the citizens of argon go when they're not derezzing each other. There is no formal ceremony in Mk. Before and after each Mk tournament. The olympics has this and hosts put on a show. This could be a setup where characters can mingle at the after party. Usain bolt spent the night with 3 Swedish Olympians female after he won 100m final.
I did get an A in history but i don't know if gladiators in ancient Rome had ceremonies celebrating the fights.
Maybe there can be like a traffic light party where Mk kombatants can boogie all night. A traffic light party is where u dress as either red, green or orange. Each colour indicates if ur out to look for someone and are open to meeting someone. (green). Or ur out and ur a maybe, so if the right person comes along then ur game (orange). And finally if ur out but not looking for anyone to go with (red).
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