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Come On Die Young
Noob competitor, long time MK player

Hey guys, so I just wrote like a 4 paragraph intro but somehow got logged out when I posted. Good shit.

Anyway, Hi. I'm an MK9 noob but long time MK fan. I'm only 18 but I've been playing MK since as long as I've been playing video games. My friends and I played MK Trilogy almost every day when I was 6 (yes, 6), and I've loved the series since. Of course I've been put off by more recent releases like the rest of you, but I'm glad it's been revived the way it has.

I really want to work at this game and eventually be competitive, even if it's just online. I've always loved the competitive gaming scene but the furthest I've gone is dabbling in shooters (won a GB championship on Lost Planet the year it came out, but that's about it). I've been watching the Offcast and Team Sp00ky streams over the past couple weeks, so I'd like to think some techniques have rubbed off on me. Don't come challenging me just yet though, haha.

So, a question for you guys: Sektor has always been my guy, and I want to main him, but I'm not sure he's strong enough. Can work be done on him or will he be forever stuck in mid tier? I'm thinking of switching to Cage or Nightwolf, as I like both play styles, so would that be a good move?


Well, I'm a bit of a 'noob' to MK9 myself and started off with Ermac as my main guy. However, as of late I've been sticking with Sektor and just can't give him up. Now, I'm not at the competitive level, obviously, but I see him as quite a strong character online and off. He's become a bit of a favorite of mine and I might just stick with maining him. From what I've seen around here, he's not as bad as I was once led to believe. Just my two cents.

Oh, and welcome from a fellow noob forum user.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Welcome to TYM and MK9 man. Sektor is fun as I use him as well as my 4th guy, IMO he's nullified a little with the online but Cage is awesome, you can be very aggressive with him I've noticed :) He's fun


Come On Die Young
Thanks guys. I think I'm going to be switching to Nightwolf. It seems like his shoulder dash is safer than Cage's dash kick, and I like his low combo starter. I haven't had much luck with Sektor online yet (though mostly because my combos are interrupted by lag); it seems like his only effective tricks are his back+1 poke and jumping into tele's, but it keeps getting interrupted with telepunches. I have somehow pulled off wins with him against people with 1000+ games though, despite my current 20-21 record.

If anyone could help me out with my online play at all my xbl tag is TG An Hero