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[Nov 24, 2013] [Aug 4th - Nov 17th] DojoSports: 5v5 National Fighting Game League... (chico, ca)


Hello FGC this is Jason “Afro” Cole,

This is a promising era for fighting games. We have evolved to the point of attracting a mainstream audience. We have grown out of the “fight club” era and have ascended to the level of professional competitive gaming.

I am proud to have founded DojoSports which is bringing you the first 5v5 National Fighting Game League (NFGL) for the FGC! We completed Season 1 in the NW region with 8 Teams competing in two games, Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition 2012, and Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3. And for Season 2 we’ll have 44 teams competing in three games: Street Fighter 4, Injustice and Tekken Tag Tournament 2. The teams are spread across three regions, Northwest, Southwest and Northeast.

Season 2 team enrollment has opened up this week, and the first matches kick-off on August 4th, 2013. We wrap up in November just before Thanksgiving and will be awarding prizes to each region’s winning team.

Read on for all of the details about DojoSports, the NFGL and the upcoming season.


CEO/Founder - Jason “Afro” Cole -
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.dojosports.com

EVO 2013 Official Announcement
The amazing team behind Shoryuken.com and EVOLUTION 2013, the LARGEST Fighting Game Tournament in the WORLD, have given official approval to DojoSports.com to give a special public announcement LIVE at EVO!!!! Stay tuned to the EVO Beta room stream throughout Fri and Saturday to see a special announcement from longtime community leader Jason “Afro” Cole about DojoSports: National 5v5 Fighting Game League!!! DojoSports aims to give back to the community that has been giving for over 20+ years! Let’s continue to work together and grow the FGC as a whole!

Frequently Asked Questions
What games are being played in Season 2?
44 teams will be competing in three games: Street Fighter 4, Injustice and Tekken Tag Tournament 2.

What regions are competing in Season 2?
Northwest Region (Washington, Oregon, British Columbia)
Southwest Region (NorCal, CentralCal, SoCal, Arizona, Nevada)
Northeast Region (NYC, Philly, MD, MA, Conn,NJ)

What’s the Season 2 Grand Prize?
Giant Trophy + $1,000 Cash + Free Hotel Suite @ Final Round 2014+ Free Team Entry for Season 3

And the fine print?
One (1) prize per game per region.
Hotel Suite large enough to accommodate a full 10-man team.
The Trophy will travel Stanley Cup-style. Brag with it until the Season 3 Finals.
If your team is not going to Final Round, you may opt for the cash-equivalent.

What does the Team get for paying entry fee?
Official addition to the DojoSports 5v5 National Fighting Game League Season 2 Roster
Up to ten (10) FREE annual subscriptions to the website
○One subscription per team member
○Fighter Profile with the ability to add photos, stats, schedule, sponsor logos and videos.
○Full access to the Premium Forum
○Free addition to our Free Agent Directory to help you attract corporate sponsors
Team Profile Page
○A great way to advertise your team
○Donation button so your team’s fans can directly support you (feature rolls out in Aug)
Free Stat tracking from DojoSports Analytics Team
○Comprehensive league stats verified by DojoSports staff
○Summary stats from user-submitted outside major and local events
Venue Profile Page
○Venue Manager gets a free profile to promote and advertise the venue.
○Advertise your non-league events as well.
Free Monthly Raffle exclusive to subscribed members only. New prizes every month!
What’s the entry fee for a team?
$150 entry fee. That’s only $15 per person for a 10-man team.
So why should you care?
Sponsorship for Fighters
With the rise of professional competitive gaming, FGC does not have a place for players to be scouted or to even properly promote themselves for sponsors. DojoSports goal is to provide an outlet for fighting game players who want to go professional. With our “Free Agent Directory”, a fighting game player can get their own personalized “Fighter Profile” to promote themselves. This directory will be an exclusive list for any Sponsors to utilize in order to search for players they would consider for paid sponsorships. It’s a double-win for the community and sponsors who are having trouble reaching out to the players.

Financial Transparency to the FGC
We also aim to be very transparent with our company and our financials. Team members and website subscribers will receive a monthly report showing exactly what money came in, and where the money was spent.

Commentators and Streamers get Paid
With Streaming and Commentating being an almost thankless job, DojoSports aims to add a little supportive structure and give an avenue of growth and professionalism to the FGC’s new job titles.

Streamer (Broadcaster)
Great match streams require seasoned professional streamers … and professionals deserve to get paid. They are in business to grow their own viewership’s, and by helping them, we will help elevate the FGC even more. So every participating Streamer that broadcasts any DojoSports match up not only gets paid for the gig but also gets to keep and own all of the content. And we’ll also be providing special bonuses to our StreamMonster member when they subscribe their favorite streamers channel.

We will provide a flat-rate payment to streamers for just providing the stream, following simple rules and regulations on how to properly promote DojoSports 5v5. DojoSports will also allow the streamer to own all the content they stream as well as edit and upload to their personal YouTube channel. We provide a nice easy search engine to find these videos and to direct traffic straight to the streamer’s match videos.

Commentator - Commentating is something new and still being pioneered and properly structured in the FGC. DojoSports would like to give full support to commentators within our professionally growing community by paying for each commentating gig. There are two ways a commentator can get paid through DojoSports.
Commentating a Match offline or online
■Offline - Commentating at local Dojo (Venue)
■Online - Commentating comfortably commentate from your own home!!!!!
Reviewing Match videos and documenting stats to submit to the DojoSports database.
■A commentator can also get paid to review match videos for stat tracking and submit the data to DojoSports.com
●DojoSports will be providing stat tracking for all League Participants and Paid Subscribers to the website.
●Only approved tournament / league matches will be accepted for statistical entry

Tell us about the new website, DojoSports.com

NOTE* Some of the features are still under development.

●The website will act as an information hub
●It’s an intuitive and Responsive Website designed to work on any device from a gigantic monitor to the tiny screen on a first generation Android.
●Match video Search Engine! Find videos of your (and your competition’s) matches.
●Marketplace for Sponsors to seek out “Free Agents” (Professional Fighting Game Players).
●Venues (Dojo’s) will be able to have their own Profile to advertise events, the team or their own stream. This will also be in our Venue/Player locator to help folks find places or people to play within their region/state.
●Free Monthly drawing for subscription members (Shirts, Fight Sticks, headsets, etc...)
●Profiles for EVERY element within our Community! Paid and Free accounts!!!
Fighter Profile (For Professional Gamers)
Venue Profile (Advertise your Dojo, events, promote the team representing your Dojo)
Super Fans Profile!!! (Special prizes by submitting youtube videos to add to our search engine!)
Broadcaster Profile (advertise your business, special events, list broadcasting channels)
Stream Monster Profile!!!!! (They even get their own unmoderated special forum!!!!) As well as special prizes and bonuses by supporting Streamers involved in the 5v5 League!
Commentator Profile (Build your rep and advertise yourself as a FGC commentator for events)
Sponsor Profile (Sponsors can advertise what they are looking for in a sponsored player and utilizing the Free Agent Listing)
Developer Profile (All the information and history of a developers game that’s a part of the league)

Where does the money go?
Your subscription money goes back into the FGC’s hands! DojoSports wants to get away from secrets and negativity in our community. The money the community puts in will be circulated it right back into the communities hands! We want transparency to be the utmost importance with DojoSports. Our financials will be posted monthly to all of our Team Members and paid subscribers. Here’s a list of just some of the ways we’re putting money back into the FGC’s hands:
●Commentators get paid
●Streamers get paid
●Monthly raffles (for SuperFans, Stream Monsters, members)
●Website enhancements (bringing on new features, special website bonuses, swag)
●Stream / venue equipment upgrades to increase the quality of the league and community.
●Special exhibition invites
●Venue/Team/Stream Franchise packages and promotional events.
●Free tickets to special gaming events during the Season (not just game tourneys but game conventions as well)

I’m sold! How do I get involved?

●Sign-ups for a free account at DojoSports.com will be starting July 12th! (EVO DAY!) Remember we know how this game works now. More people signed-up the more attractive our community League will be to the top-shelf sponsors and developers! This translates to more benefits for YOU!!
●If you are a community leader or venue manager, contact me directly at [email protected] to get you all set you up for Season 3!.
●If you are pro or semi-pro player, sign-up for one of our paid accounts via the website starting @ $2.99/month.
●If you are part of the new jobs in the FGC (Commentator, Stream Broadcaster, SuperFan Submitter), contact me personally [email protected] to find out how you can get paid to work in the League.

●We are also in need of volunteers for a variety of duties. All volunteers receive a free annual membership to the website.


oops, i posted this in the wrong forum. Can someone help me move this to North American Tournament Events please?

Thank you so much!



Wow you guys are Fast =D Awesome!!!

Thank you so much EGP Wonder_Chef.

I have a question, how does one get their event Stickied? Is it time related?


Pending teams for Season 2. If you are in the local area of those listed below, please contact the Team Managers or email me at [email protected] about being on the team!!!

Atlantic NE
  • Philly (Big E)
  • NYC (Henry Cen)
  • EMP (Triforce)
  • KombatNetwork (Phil)
  • Conn (Walter P.)
  • MD (Ryan Bartlett)
  • MA (Jamie)
  • NJ (Jonathon)
Pacific NW
  • Alderwood (Eric Nguyen)
  • Auburn (Reggie)
  • Vancouver ( TBD)
  • Salem (Martin Hector)
  • Eugene (Tim Robertson)
Pacific SW
  • NorCal (TBD)
  • Phoenix (Hazmat)
  • SoCal (Krwazy)
  • Northridge (Tommy)
  • CentralCal (TBD)