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Not new to fighting games, but new to competitive play

I have been playing fighting games since MK1. Never really got into SF for some reason, but I have also played Killer Instinct, Smash Bros., and the Soul Caliber series. Mortal Kombat has always been my favorite... but I haven't really played the past few games.

There are many games coming out this year that I have on my list to buy, but MK9 is by far the most anticipated for me. I'm so excited in fact, that for the first time... I'm really interested in high level competitive strategies and game play. Before now, it was always a casual and fun thing to do with friends.

I already have two other friends who are going to explore the high end game play with me and we are getting together once a week. I don't know how far I will ultimately take these skills... but it would be cool to compete in some local competitions.

Anyway out of all the online sites and communities I have been looking at, I have enjoyed this one the most and I'll definitely be sticking around. I have received some great advice from the chat room and have read some great strategies in the forums.

Hope to fight some of you soon!

- RS


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Yep, welcome to TYM man. Long live MK! MK9 looks like it's going to be one of the best MK's ever.
Thanks for the welcome.

I checked out my local fighting game scene on SRK and talked to one of the guys. They mostly play SF and MvC3 and he seemed very skeptical about including MK9. I might just have to start my own group if they aren't interested.