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Noobish question: Throwing!


Double Dasher
I'm no scrub player at all, but I have never really practiced getting throws into my matches. I tend to focus on other things than getting in close enough so I want to know when it is appropriate to throw an opponent and to know when you can pull it off. Also, I find my self vulnerable to opponents throwing me in a match, which I guess is because I simply block after im knocked down? I know this is a little dumb but how can I avoid getting grabbed so much? I guess I can answer my own question (wake-up attacks, which I need to practice) but any input you guys can give would be appreciated.


Guardian of Outworld
- Usually you land a throw as part of a mixup situation. Where you can either go for a) a combo string or b) a throw. For it to work well, you have to do a move that if blocked, leaves you at positive frame advantage. Example, after a blocked jump in punch, or some blocked strings. And then go for the throw.

- It's appropriate if you predict the opponent is going to block. For example, if you've been dialing 3 hit strings all day long, then suddenly you stop short, do a 2 hit string and then throw.

- On your wakeup, if the opponent gets predictable and attempts a throw, your options are to wakeup attack, recovery roll away, delayed getup, or duck, as ducking avoids throws. You could duck then go into your faster combo string. I think you could possibly jump out as well, not so sure on that though.

I think meaty throwing is a poor strategy, where mathematically you risk alot for so little gain. Expect to be punished hard, by good players.