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Question - Erron Black Noob FG player using Erron: struggling vs zoning and jumpers


Hey guys,
So as im sure you read in the title, I am a noob to fighting games. It's been years since I've owned one but I decided to get MKX and I'm pretty much hooked. I really love Erron Black and I've been practicing with him constantly. I've gotten the f1,3,db4 into the launcher combo pretty much down pat. However, I don't think I have the basics of fighting games mastered. I struggle mightily against people who jump around a lot or use zoning attacks a lot (GM Sub Zero, FA Jacqui). Is there any video someone can link me to help me understand how to attack and defend against airborne players? Or any helpful tips would be appreciated as I am pretty much at a loss.



Its Game Over, Man
Unfortunately, dealing with air attacks is one of Erron's biggest weaknesses. Your only real antiair is to use your Uppercut or to just block. He's got his Sand Gust, but I don't really see it as a very useful antiair.


Thanks guys!! I've been stubborn about trying different variations but I think it's a necessity for me to get used to using them. Certain matchups are a nightmare for me