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EBs twitter links to www.noob.com . When you open this site you get a very weird website that shows random injustice related thing after you dial in a correct number . I started with 9 and now i can type in double digits . Its super weird you guys should check it out .


I want Kronika to step on my face
We have been waiting for him to change it to MKX stuff.

I still don't get that website though. Does anyone know what the Injustice stuff mean?


Scary Bat
a lot of it is blurred out concept art when we didnt know stuff.

like before he was announced it showed a sketch of Shazam's super drawn with stick figures, an early concept for the Zod super as well.

Other hints included no Supergirl, something to do with Aquaman, blurred out pictures of Atom Smasher and Giganta fighting in the background of hall of justice etc.