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Noob Alert - Possible Dumb Question Ahead


Paitent Padawan
As the title of the thread states I am a noob when it comes to fighting games. I never got into the genre and have always been just a button masher type player. However I am trying to change that with this game.

I was just reading the thread about a possible nerf coming on Superman. One commenter suggested it might be F23 that gets nerfed. Now, if I understand correctly on the Xbox that means:
Forward Button Y Button A.

Which is a 2 hit 8% combo. I don't see why that would need to be nerfed. Is it because the string can be the opening to a combo?

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I hope the question makes sense and isn't too stupid.

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Joker waiting room
Because it leads to a great combo on hit, is extemely fast, hits mid and can lead to a frametrap.


Mechanical Engineering Bitch!
From my knowledge, the string has tremendous range and comes out fast meaning that it can whiff punish almost everything. It makes playing footsies with Superman really tough meaning that its really hard for some characters to mount an offensive. You can also cancel the string into his super breath making it relatively safe on block. The string is good and encourages Superman players to not put much thought behind their offense as they can just cancel it into a safe move in case the opponent blocked it. Nerfing it would make it less "brain dead."


Eternal Champion of Justice
It would get nerfed for the same reason all things get nerfed because people want to blame their losses on everything except their own failure. Not a very logical thing to do. You can't play basketball for 3 weeks and give honest input to change how traveling works idk why we think the same thing about video games and their mechanics


they are probably gonna make breath a bit more unsafe, im ok with it, right now its pretty braindead to pressure people with it, when i play supes. but if they increase startup of f23, this gonna be worse :(
Damage is not the only property that can be nerfed--there are many different variables in the equation that can be tweaked. If NRS nerfs F23 it will most likely revolve around speed and/or cancel advantage.


Hat tier ftw
Supes doesnt have much to be honest other than F23 to start pressure. Stuff from D1 is crap. Its next to impossible to cross up into a combo without air dash. This would be the death of superman again if this got nerfed. Adding breath recovery wouldn't be terrible but the basketball reference above is the perfect analogy for nerf whiners. Deathstroke for example does not need to be touched, and ive never played him. Its easy with practice to get in on him. Yes, you will eat a few bullets but when you catch him hes getting blown up for 30-40% or 60% if he is in the corner.