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Non-sucky Horror films


bad player
Must-see/ recommendation thread
I've am officially beyond annoyed w/ the amount of Saw clones and shitty hand held video camera movies, who the hell films themselves watching video of their house?
I love my old school psychological and Lovecraftian fear pumping. I'm particularly interested in Korean/Japanese/Foreign films because I haven't seen alot of them yet.

here are some picks for you young'uns off the top of my head:
Jacob's Ladder (really anything by David Lynch)
The Thing(1982)
Event Horizon
The Fly

stuff I'm thinking of checking out, stop me if sucks:
The Wicker Tree
The Ward


Noob Saibot
I'm a slasher horror movie guy myself. I must say as corny and stereotypical they are, the Hatchet movies are a blast to watch. Coming out with a third one, hopefully it's a bloodbath.

If you want a good horror movie with something different with a unique story and is psychologically twisted, check out Identity. It's on Netflix right now.
before the blare witch project this film was made and is the very first found footage style film that inspired the blare witch.
Its really creepy and a good for actual scares, you will leave the film freaked out.


It's simple.. We normalize the superman.
Killer Klowns from Outer Space is definitely a fun/stupid horror movie. Can't think of any that are legitly scary though; I'm more afraid of the fucking orchestra sting than anything else.

Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
I may be slightly partial on this one but in the mouth of madness is a must watch if u have not already. Also if you like lovecraft check out Dagoon it's a pretty good adaptation of A shadow over insmouth. Also don't sleep on the older argento films if u like atmosphere and amazing soundtracks.
Here is one I really like, Its the Steven King version of the Shinning. The other one is better, but I say give it a chance trust me. The acting is pretty good, the dad actually is a father in this one making his transformation truly frightening. Even the kid grows on you even tho at first you will want to grab him by the lips and run. Its a three episode mini series. heres kinda what your getting into

give it a chance, trust me


It's simple.. We normalize the superman.
Man, Event Horizon is really underrated IMO. I thought that movie was awesome as well.
Yeah that movie was indeed awesome for the concept alone. I liked how some of the physical details of the ship were used in Dead Space.


Stay Puft
I enjoy any horror movie from the 70s-80s over the modern ones really, I feel like horror films nowadays try to either gross you out or just throw jump scare after jump scare at you. Granted some of the older films did that too but there seemed to be more effort put into the environment and creepy atmosphere, take Alien for example and compare it's setting to say Paranormal Activity.
For everone that saw The Thing 1982 and thought it was a master piece in practical effects, Let me introduce to you Xtro
A hidden master piece! watch it now before its cool!


Master of Quanculations

here are some picks for you young'uns off the top of my head:
Jacob's Ladder (really anything by David Lynch)
Jacob`s Ladder isn`t a David Lynch film. It was directed by Adrian Lyne, and I don`t remember the writer`s name but Lynch wasn`t involved. Fun fact about both though... Jacob`s Ladder and Lynch`s "Twin Peaks" were huge influences on the original game Silent Hill when it came out in 1999. As was Stephen King`s novela "The Mist". And in the game on the map you will find Lyne Street and King Street, and in Silent Hill 4 there is a Lynch Street. The subway level in Silent Hill 3 is modeled exactly after the subway from the beginning of Jacob`s Ladder, where the main character exits on Bergen Street, and that`s where Heather lives in SH3. The main character of SH2, James Sunderland, is wearing the same army jacket as Tim Robbins in Jacob`s Ladder as well.

Anyway, I can`t recommend a horror movie higher than the original Swedish "Let The Right One In", with a second place going to "Martyrs" from France. Both films, in their original language with subtitles, or they are ruined.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Ok some will dissagree with what I say and thatas fine,

The original Texas Chainsaw Massecre: was where Ridley Scott modeled most of Alien form and to this day is still a classic and heralded as a gerat film. The fear derived not from adrinaline, but from the trully terrafying acts these people did and tehy felt it ws not worng what they were doing.

The original Nightmare on Elm St. : Trully great film for its time.
The original Omen
The first Exorcist

If we ahve to atlk modern day horror
Sinister: this film had great build up and tension in it, it was creepy, and the was downright disturbing esspecially if you are a parent.
Both Let the Right One In movies, were good the Sweedish version is obviously better

Of course The Evil Dead, the gerat Rami original