I remember a while back someone saying that there isnt much footage of Kano play in tourney. I figured this thread would be a good place to start.
starts at 4:34
This was my Kano from an MK exclusiv tourney we had in FL. I played from 1:18 till the end of the stream which is grand finals (where I get blown up by Nightwolf ) This will also be a place for other to put their vids as well that way they arent scattered all over the Kano boards!
starts at 4:34
This was my Kano from an MK exclusiv tourney we had in FL. I played from 1:18 till the end of the stream which is grand finals (where I get blown up by Nightwolf ) This will also be a place for other to put their vids as well that way they arent scattered all over the Kano boards!