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Nihilism and Randy Cool

[BUBBLE]Hey mofos,

I just tried to post this as my welcome message, but unfortunately for you all it exceeding the character limit. Anyways I'm going to post here. Maybe it'll generate some discussion(probably not, maybe some flaming though). Enjoy or eat shit:[/BUBBLE]

I am nihilism. Life and reality are all they will ever be. Simply put, what they are. My belief is such; human nature is purposeless, devoid of truth or value. The feeble unprepared psyche of we the animalistic humans cannot come to see the real truth. Everything that was, is. Everything that we see is what we perceive them to be, nothing more. All objects are what they are, including all life and existence.

What am I getting at? Hold on.

We the human species, ruler of the animal kingdom and creator of the artificial world and landscape, have tried to replace these concepts(is what it is etc.) with words and concepts. Take a second to grasp the truth I am about to bestow unto you. Most animals see the world devoid of our verbal, associative corruption. An animal understands, not dimly mind-you but with a staggering comprehension simply out of our grasp, that a "rock" is NOT a "rock". It simply is what it is. Stare at something. Any object. A computer screen is NOT a computer screen. STARE AT IT.......... Thats what it really is, a wordless object.

One of the most astounding characteristics of the human mind is our innate and profound skill of association. Which is why our language means so much to us. It's what separates us from them. In truth of course, they are nothing but sounds emitted from our vocal chords. Over time, we have given meaning to them. In essence we CREATED the meaning of them, and they are utterly meaningless on a universal scale.

Randy Cool is pure nihilism. The ideas, music, and lyrics, therein are not meant for association. It's meant to be a raw confrontation of the ideas I've just detailed. All it is, in the universal scale, is noise. Meaningless, abstract, abhorrent, beautiful.

But alas, Nihilism is a self-defeating concept. Here I am trying to describe you a concept about the meaninglessness of word but using them. The concept, cannot every be fully understood using words. So is the nature of man's obscure knowledge.

If you understand these concepts, you will be a Randy Cool fan, regardless of whether or not you find the music appealing. The music is merely an aesthetic to the concept, which will be discovered with an open mind............ www.myspace.com/randycool