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Night and Day: Is this game different online?


Go to hell.
Is this game different online?

I say yes. This game is SO much better offline. Poking out of pressure, executing kombos, making reads, and the overall speed are so much easier and faster and flow of the game make so much more sense offline.

But one of my sparring partners (who may be retarded) says it's not.

What do you think?


its exactly the same! what are you talking about? what a retarded notion. of course the game is 100% identical online as it is offline!


Loses to uppercuts
YES ITS DIFFRENT!!! I never said it wasnt. I was simply saying that the tiny amount of lag experienced online when fighting someone else with a good connection is not too bad. I can still AA, d1 Cross-up cancel, execute pressure etc. Other than very very acute timing that is usually only charecter specific, you can still do very well online, and even then, sometimes even offline the problem isnt any lag, its just its near impossable to react that fast without a read.

I never said they were the same, I too believe that there is a diffrence, that under the right circumstances, can save you. I was just saying that the diffrence isnt nearly as bad as people make it out to be, as long as your opponent isnt playing in their basement in mexico.


Go to hell.
YES ITS DIFFRENT!!! I never said it wasnt. I was simply saying that the tiny amount of lag experienced online when fighting someone else with a good connection is not too bad. I can still AA, d1 Cross-up cancel, execute pressure etc. Other than very very acute timing that is usually only charecter specific, you can still do very well online, and even then, sometimes even offline the problem isnt any lag, its just its near impossable to react that fast without a read.

I never said they were the same, I too believe that there is a diffrence, that under the right circumstances, can save you. I was just saying that the diffrence isnt nearly as bad as people make it out to be, as long as your opponent isnt playing in their basement in mexico.
The only thing tiny in this conversation is your dick.

And the difference is HORRIBLE. Go offline and find out.


The Netherrealm beckons
The difference is pretty astounding to me. Then again, I live in Japan with a shit connection so I can only play with Japanese players or the ping is just too ridiculous. Feels bad, man.


The difference is pretty astounding to me. Then again, I live in Japan with a shit connection so I can only play with Japanese players or the ping is just too ridiculous. Feels bad, man.
really? im aussie and play japanese players with as much lag as if i was playing someone in my own city.


Well it's certainly not the same, nothing more to add other than every game is different online.

It's for fun, socialization and learning match ups.


What's a Smarrgasm?
Is this game different online?

I say yes. This game is SO much better offline. Poking out of pressure, executing kombos, making reads, and the overall speed are so much easier and faster and flow of the game make so much more sense offline.

But one of my sparring partners (who may be retarded) says it's not.

What do you think?
Did RampaginDragon say this. Cause if he did this is about as bad as him saying halo reach is better than halo 3.
I wish i had been a part of that conversation. I would have blown him up for it lol.


Crazy 88
Ooooh, very different but still get in some games, learn some MU's. Don't take wins & losses too seriously. Typical connections are:

a) The rare good connection: Provided the opponent is a challenge stay with these for as long as they are willing to rematch.

b) The more often than not "alright" connection: Things start working a bit weird, sometimes slower but you can still learn and execute reasonably. Most proper punishes work, maybe you have to improvise like when a blocked move is -10 and your 8 frame counter jab should hit but doesn't so you throw instead.

c) The dreaded shit connection: Fuzzy guard won't work, punishes don't work, jump ins hit you more frequently, combo's are dropped or have to be cut short, specials may come out. Just decline any further games. No sense in getting stressed.


Loses to uppercuts
Did RampaginDragon say this. Cause if he did this is about as bad as him saying halo reach is better than halo 3.
I wish i had been a part of that conversation. I would have blown him up for it lol.
I just like Halo Reach more. My opinion, don't know why. Halo 3 was just boring to me. BUT yes it was me that said this. But you werent there, Ryan manipulated my words.
Like, a lot.