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New Years Resolutions


Forum General Emeritus
My NYR is to stop playing people in the MK2 lobby and only play those from this site. 2010 may have brought in a new decade, but it didn't bring in better people. I'm not talking from a skills standpoint; I'm talking about sportsmanship. I must have played 7 people since the new year began and every single one of them has done one of the following:

  • Quit after 1 match
  • Sent hatemail
  • Teabagged
OK ok, my real NYRs....

  • Finish my Masters Degree and graduate Summa Cum Lauda (maintain 4.0 GPA the whole way through).
  • Propose to my GF (requires money for a ring)


New Years Resolution

Teabbagging is when a player repeatedly crouches during or after a fight.


1. I'm going to further pursue losing weight and eating healtier, I did pretty nice this past fall and i look to lose another thirty.
2. I need a Girlfriend although I do have one in sights I'm trying to lose weight and be more confident.
3. I want a job...maybe. I worked and went to school for a while before so I know I can do it, but I'm not sure.
4. Lastly, I'm gonna finish this awesome script I'm working on, call some agencies, and get that shit the fuck sold. YES!!!!


New years resolution is to remind myself that a new year is just another number and changes should be made when thou are ready to make em. lol


i plan on losing my 15 lbs and doin my coast guard bootcamp. b4 the end(2012) i wanna streak all the elites and finish the air ride suspension on my 92 ranger.