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New Year's Resolutions and Revolutions


Trust me, I'm a doctor
The end of the year is coming upon us, so to you TYM I have to ask...
What are your New Year's Resolutions? What do you hope to do to better yourself next year?
While answering this, also ask yourself, how will you overcome those who would stand in your way?
Make a list!

As for me...
I want to get a pug
Finishing the move into my new house
swapping into a job I can have as a hobby
traveling to CEO this year, and if I do well, I may go to EVO also.
Money-match someone at MKX while I'm at CEO, (either @Pig Of The Hut or @Tom Brady is my dream)
Start a podcast no one will listen to, called "Tech talk with Doombawkz". Bring on guests no one cares about.
Find a main, and make huge amounts of tech
Devote some time to actually being good at MKX, more than just a "tech guy"
Become a respectable person
Actually finish a guide I start working on
Win, place, or just become famous somehow through the community so I can be a tester
Make a lot of money so I can keep traveling for fun
Go to either an Atlanta Local or something in Houston
Get to be on commentary again
Bulk up so people don't keep thinking I'm bigger than I actually am
Learn to swim
Learn to ride a bike
Learn to skate

How about you guys? Any plans for the new year?