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New to TYM

I been browsing this site for about 2 months now and decided to finally join. I been playin mk since mk2 on my game gear so im familiar with the lore so to speak. But this is my first time actually playing one seriously since DA.

After playing SSF4 for about 6 months i need something different, so i picked this up a wek after release. I havent quite picked my main though. Been jumping between Ermac and Kung Loa. 2 totally different fighting styles. I really like rush down characters but not sure who to main. Maybe the pros on this site could point me in the right direction.

I'm not really a noob but im no where near tourny play style if that help. i can pull combo strings really well but some of the constant dash combos get me.


Nightwolf Mourner
Welcome to TYM!! If you decide to ever try out Nightwolf (He is mainly rushdown, but he can turtle given the right situations) then check out the nightwolf mentor pro gram thread. Give me a week or two, and I'll get you into shape to be a tourney player. :D
Yea i was playing the king of the hill mode last night with some of my friends, and i played with night wolf and jade and really liked both of them. Maybe ill try night wolf. So whats this mentor program?


Nightwolf Mourner
Yea i was playing the king of the hill mode last night with some of my friends, and i played with night wolf and jade and really liked both of them. Maybe ill try night wolf. So whats this mentor program?
Basically I want newer night wolf players to feel like they are following the right path, as I've broken the character down nearly completely if not completely from day 1. So under my guidance (and a few other people once I get them up to par) I will teach players nightwolf and what you should and should not do. Look up the thread and sign up :)