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New to TYM But Not MK


Hello MK Brethren, just wanted to say hello, always looked but never had the courage to sign up lol

Lots of skilled people here, hopefully nice people too :)

I know one of you that is on my PSN friends list: MagnetoHalfway, his KL is a beast.
I also main KL, but i started on cyrax and now JC, kinda liking JC a lot, thats my sons fault lol
he mains JC, and he does it better than me lol
I am ok, tho i could improve in many areas, and hence thats why i signed up, i need to play better and or more skilled players if i want to get better.
but i dont want to face douchebags either.

Anyways, i like having fun while playing, i dont have the time for hate mail, tho if i do get some, i do reply back and then block :p

lifes to short to be angry all the time ya know :)

I only play on PSN as my 360 took a turn for the worse, tho i like the ps3 pad better anyways.

well thats it, have questions? feel free to ask.

Welcome, Catch.
I agree, life is too short to be angry. Positivity is the key to happiness. :)
You will find mass amounts of helpful and friendly people here.
Have a nice day.


Hey thanks brother for the nice welcome :)

Also wondering if theres any one here from milwaukee wi and or close to it that would like to get together and play some MK9?
sadly all my friends do not play this game lol
and i am stuck to online and my kids :(

and i want to go to tournaments, but if i dont play anyone good, ill get destroyed.
You can only learn by losing, and ofline i just hardly lose to my kids lol