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New to the Board :) (DSumk3)



i recently signed up for the forum and posted a topic.
somehow i cant find my topic back and when i tried to log on my acc it sad it did not exist...(anymore?).

but to just re-msg :p

i need someone to play online with on the DS to practice with a bit... somehow there is no training mode in umk3 and the enemy comp is gifted with the ability to uppercut both ur balls off and blocking their own.

so if someone is willing to play a bit with me and practice some combo's r sumthing im your man and your mine,

lets be gay and be eachothers man!!!! :O <3 Twiejk


EFL Founder
i can give u a few runs if u want, just make sure to play by the rules and go turn by turn when doin combo practice. post ur fc is ur up 4 it. and btw, dont be gay and spam slide or aint teachin ur ass shit

?- 0044-2095-5607


Dreamcatcher said:
i can give u a few runs if u want, just make sure to play by the rules and go turn by turn when doin combo practice. post ur fc is ur up 4 it. and btw, dont be gay and spam slide or aint teachin ur ass shit

?- 0044-2095-5607
thats the persons im talking about in my post before <3
dont worry <3 im sexy fair
and where do i find my friendcode :(((


:) come on msn soon ill talk to you then its late now so..
good fighting :p im gonna work on that stupid fist fist jump leg vanish trick :p


EFL Founder
ill try to be on later but make sure to do that teleport as fast as u can after the kick and it 'cancels' into the other move.

tks, hp, hp, jump kick, teleport as soon as or even before hitting them with the jump kick, then do the tks so u do the last motion (back+hk) just as you land, hp, hp, jumpkick/fireball

this, believe it or not, is one of ermac's most simple combos. once u get past the hump of learning to juggle off the tks, you've got it made and its easy to make your own. just takes a lot of practice