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New to the 3s scene...

and I'm very impressed by this game so far. Sadly, I'm doodoo in this game. =/

Who's an easy character to start off with?

At the moment, I'm using Alex because he's really fun to use. I still have trouble parrying though, :[

Anyways, how's the XBL scene?
Try Ken. Other characters that are fun to play with (IMO) are Dudley and Alex. I think Akuma it's a bit unbalanced as usual, and I don't like Ryu on this SF, but his Shin Shoryuken is the best super art of the game! Another one I would recommend you is Remy, but I haven't seen any Remy player on Kaillera though. Remy is like a less powerful version of Guile. My brother is very good with him, He is too defensive playing with Remy, sometimes he becomes untouchable.

About the parrying, keep practicing. I am not very good at parrying. In fact, I just parry fireballs xD Even though during a match I don't use it that much in comparison to other players, because it's, of course, an advantage. I am not a pro on this game, but on my case, I can win matches without doing any parrying. So do you and a lot of players out there :)
I'd say start off with Ken ( which is my fav. in a SF game's ) or Ryu. They play pretty much the same as they did in older SF. Also parry'n is all about time'n it's best to train against the cpu.

I still hit up the arcade and play this from time' to time.

I was on Xbox Live a few week's ago and really nobody was play'n it when I was on. Hit me up with a message maybe we can get a few matches go'n. GamerTag: Life And Death


... play on ggpo.. ryu sucks at 3s and parrtying is about prediction.. I play urien and akuma on ggpo T1xNeo


The best players are on GGPO. while you're on there look a guy up named Slashsven.

The guy's a beast at 3rd strike and more then willing to teach stuff, if you're cool.

Oh, Ken is very suitable for a beginner :)


ok. Shoryuken.com is the first place to go for everything 3s. check the Wiki for accurate info, strats, and frama data.

look for people on SRK or possibly an arcade in your area to play against. ggpo is nothing in comparison. Every time i go to a 3s tourney I always get sent to losers like first game because my parry timing is off due to playing too much ggpo/2df

if you don't have humans around you to play, or don't plan on taking it seriously, then ggpo is the next best thing.

yea Ken is definitely the best starting character. hes very basic, relying on mixups, and super combos.

Akuma is definitely not overpowered in this game. hes good, but his health is so low and his damage output just doesn't make for him to be top tier. play against a good Yun/Chun and cry. Luckily for me I just tier whore it out and play Chun/Ken in tourney anyway lol. I main Ibuki though.

I gotta get on GGPO more tho. SF4 stole my soul but I can still hold it down in 3s if I play a bit.