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New to mk universe? Learn some stuff...

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Ever since noobde said MKX will have a timeline that expands to 25 years, some new players have been shooting themselves in the foot staying x or y character will look pretty old.
If you're one of them, don't sweat, here is a little relevant stuff before you dig deep in mkwikia

In the mk universe there is different realms, the human one is called earthrealm. In earthrealm, ppl do age fast, they don't have magics but do develop their technology fast.

Any other realm that is not earthrealm ppl do age slower, much slower, they use magic, and don't always develop their tech as fast as earthrealm.

The earthrealm sun is harmful to vampires, though they can walk free in other realms even during daylight

In mk world are different species of characters that comes from different worlds, there are also gods, demi-gods, elder gods, wraiths, genetic warriors, sorcery warriors, onis,cyborgs etc.

Some characters are imortals, like gods, elder gods, and wraiths, but in mk world nothing trully dies, and nothing trully stays imortal, confused?

To kill a god you have to turn him mortal
Dead characters tends to get ressurected sometimes.

Scorpion and noob saibot are wraiths (ghosts) they are imortal and don't die.
Skarlet and mileena are warriors born from genetics infused with sorcery science, they both have 1 year old, they have born adults and they don't age, mileena is half edenian and half tarkatan, she is a kitana clone, so she doesn't age as fast as humans, as counter effect due the mixed blood mileena is crazy and has a very twisted mind, which pleased Shao Kahn

Skarlet was made by fusing the blood of countless warriors infused with sorcery, she can regen herself by absorbing blood, she does't age, as counter effect she doesn't speak either, though she grunts and laughs as a twisted person.

Ermac is a collective of over 1000 souls infused with sorcery, ermac doesn't age, as counter effect he doesn't consider himself a single identity, he calm himself "us" or "we" as manifest of all souls in his body speaking.
"You cannot defeat us, we are many, you are but one, we will destroy you"

Cryomancers are original from outworld, they don't age as humans do, though they imigrated to earthrealm and worked under the lin kuei, its unsure if their decendants do age fast or slowly.

Lin kuei is a chinese clan of assassins, they do not consider themselves ninjas.
Sub-zero is a legacy name, many have carried this name before bi-han and kuai liang, NRS confirms that the MKX sub-zero might be someone who also inherited the name before or after bi and kuai.

Outworld is a realm that has fused with other realms, as result. lots of species can be found i this place, like zaterrans.

If you want dig on mkworld try mk wikia.