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New to fighters, looking for some help


Hey there, currently borrowing Injustice from a friend (been watching it on twitch and looked pretty neat), and thinking about getting somewhat serious about a fighter... spent the last 14 years (maybe 6 or 7 of those competitively) playing shooters and it's about time for a change.

Anywho, I picked up Grundy as a main and learned some combos, play a few online games and went back to my browser to learn more about the fighting genre, because I was definitely unprepared for the reaming I experienced. After all that I still feel like I'm missing stuff I can't find, which probably boils down to experience, but I'ma ask a few questions anyway.

1. How exactly do I keep pressure on without being heavily punished? I find that a lot of my basic attacks lose out to the enemy's rather than trade. Mostly annoying when they do a wake up attack and my attack falls to the wayside. I can't just WC over and over again... Though just writing that out brought me an epiphany... (I don't think I neutral jump into combos in the corner ever)

2. Dashing and blocking between zoning attacks (from DS, GL, GA, etc), and also blocking attacks on reaction is really hit or miss. Is it not entirely possible in online play? I'm guessing my timing is just off, but I can't tell without a way to record and I have no way of doing that...

3. Sort of the same problem, Grundy's d2 just gets flat out beat by a lot of jump in attacks. Is that normal, or am I just slow? Or laggy?

4. How do you deal with pressure from other people? Sometimes they'll sit there attacking constantly while I sit there blocking until I slip up and they launch me into a combo (usually with an overhead, overheads are a pain). I guess with push block, but I always forget that exists. Any other ways?

And that's all I can think of right now. Thanks for your time. :3
Greetiongs, phac3j. (Your avatar is quite cute)
Welcome to this site of darkness and knowledge, named TestYourMight.com!

(Note: I don't have I:GAU yet)

You may need to learn about the magic of frame data for that. This Frame Data thread may be for MK9, but the same principles apply to Injustice.

In this pressure situation, Solomon Grundy's attacks are being beat out by your opponent's attacks because they are either using faster moves, or your moves are negative on block. "Negative" meaning that your opponent recovers from block stun faster than you recover from the attack animation.

Wakeup attacks have varying amount of frames of invincibility, so if their wakeup attack is on the invincibility frames when it becomes active, it will always beat out your moves, unless you armor through with a special and catch them after the invincibility frames wear off.

I hear there's an input delay online. So blocking and dashing requries more precise timing than normal.
You can try out your timing. Go into the practice mode, record yourself playing a zoner you have trouble with getting past, like Deathstroke, and just shoot projectiles as fast as you can, with very little frame gaps between recovery and startup. Playback the recording, try blocking and dashing, and see how you do.

Most jump-in attacks have higher priority over D2s, so I hear. It may not be your own fault.

Yeah, push-block. Just tape a piece of paper on your TV reminding you to push-block.
Other than that, you gotta learn the opponent's frame data. Check out what can be beaten by a faster attack or armored move of yours, after you've blocked a pressure string. It's almost like a guessing game at times. You get better at this through experience.

I have no idea. You can make a thread about that in here: http://testyourmight.com/forums/world.18/

Don't be afraid to ask more questions!


Thanks a ton, Alien, I learned a lot there. Also lol'd at mayo's reminder.

I'm thinking dealing with zoners and jump ins are both errors on my part after testing in practice. Though I don't want to be too used to the timing in practice for dashing, as I expect most of my time will be spent playing online rather than offline (hard for me to get to comps). Seems like Grundy's d2 should be fine against most jump ins, I'm just reacting a bit too slowly. But I'll have to troll through the frame data to make sure, I guess... D:
No problem.

You can always get used to the timing of offline, then try speeding it up for online.
Okay then. Just remember that the in-game Frame Data at this time is incorrect for any one move that hits multiple times, like Deathstroke's Sword Spin, Sword Flip and such.