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New screenshots taken with my Vita

I'm so confused. In the one picture where he's talking it says "Tremor" but shows a picture of noob, and he's standing in the same posture as Smoke. dafuq?


Joker waiting room
he also has the same eyes.

hes obviously not coming to consoles since he's just a pallete swap with a different colour and name along with half assed specials and probably normals.



If the Vita does well with MK, i could see some of this stuff coming to console...

Perhaps DLC, or a primer for UMK 9?? I'd bet Tanya is in there somewhere.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Thanks for the inside scoop C-Sword, could you possibly update with a screenshot of the character select screen? I heard it's been rearranged but I can't find any pics..

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
Thanks for the inside scoop C-Sword, could you possibly update with a screenshot of the character select screen? I heard it's been rearranged but I can't find any pics..
It's the exact same but with an extra row for the DLC instead of the pop-out menus.


Mortal Kombat is NOT dead.
stop posting pictures..........for my health, for my wallet, and everything else.....i don't even wanna play the console, i just wanna blow like 1000000$ on a vita and make that my main mk device
but really, thanks for the pictures