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New MK Revision board found, Prototype 4.0!


First and second video links are posted a little ways down on this page.

I did a trade with a guy in IL for a box full of MK boards for some older PS3 games I don't play anymore and when I was sifting through them and testing the ones that worked and the ones that didn't I found a working Mortal Kombat Prototype 4.0 board.

I've never seen this revision listed anywhere or seen any videos of this board - so I was pretty shocked to see this board in the batch I got in the trade especially since it came out in 1992 and we're still finding rare versions. I took a little video clip of me starting it up earlier today and I will get that posted on here hopefully in the next hour or so along with pics of the board.

If anyone else has heard or seen this version let me know, but I haven't so I wanted to share this find with my friends here first. I'll try to get the videos and pics up shortly.


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Got my hands on a new MK Revision board, Prototype 4.0!

That's freakin awesome


Got my hands on a new MK Revision board, Prototype 4.0!

Cool, cant wait to see the features.
Got my hands on a new MK Revision board, Prototype 4.0!

Yeah I definitely want to get this sent in to get it in the MAME database to preserve it. I'm surprised that no one else has found this version before - maybe this one has a way to play as Reptile :p Far chance of that but we can hope right. Note on the board it shows a date of 7-14-92 next to the Prototype 4.0 when i start it up, which means it is the earliest known version of Mortal Kombat to date.

I have an eprom burner so I think I can just dump the roms on my harddrive and email the information to the MAME team.

i made out pretty well on this trade for games I don't really play anymore - I was also able to get:

Original MK Turbo 3.1 Kombo working board (with daughter board attached not burned roms)
MK Rev. 3.0 working board
MK Rev. 4.0 working board
MKII Rev. 3.1 working board but with video issues (just need to reburn them and hopefully it'll fix them)
MK3 Rev. 2.1 working board (once I got parts from 3 non working MK3/UMK3 boards)
UMK3 Rev. 1.0 working board
UMK3 Rev. 1.1 working board

(2) working MK Sound boards
(2) working MKII Sound boards
Here is the link to the first video - I will post the link to the second video of the board itself tomorrow once I get it uploaded.

First link:

hah, another version - they just keep coming lately. Good find...it seems very similar too proto 9 ... anyway - would still be fun too try this shit on mame.
I haven't had chance to dump these yet, I'm the Cinematographer on an idie horror film being shot here in CO and we have one more week of shooting. Hoping to get them dumped shortly after that. I have a Needham eprom programmer so I'm gonna dump the roms myself instead of sending the board in, since it seems to be the only Proto 4.0 board that has surfaced thus far and don't really want to risk something happening to it or it being lost.

I can't really do gameplay videos of it much because I just moved into my new house and got the MK2 cab from storage and haven't gotten the LP and LK buttons working w/ harness yet, need to send my kick harnesses to MK3Fan after the film to have him get that setup for me, then I can do some videos once I get that done.

I'll keep you guys updated once I finished this film.
xDisciplex said:
Was on a few film shoots that have taken up alot of my time the last few months - hope to get it dumped soon.
Thanks for the update man. Hope all is going well. If it's not too much trouble, could you un-private the videos in the meantime? I'd like to see what the board looks like.
TerryMasters said:
If it's not too much trouble, could you un-private the videos in the meantime? I'd like to see what the board looks like.
Edited them so they're public, can't remember why I changed them to private lol - oops.