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New MK player in UK

I'm kinda new to MK played a little bit of MK2 but thats it. I play as Noob and Sonya, maybe looking at Ermac as well.

I am having problems playing online on my ps3 over here. Is it something to do with PSN in the UK, MK in the UK or just my internet?

PSN is StrangerNinja

Bump as I would really Like to know about the situation in the UK, coz I have tried everything to make it work and it just wont get online


Kombat Konnoisseur
I'm kinda new to MK played a little bit of MK2 but thats it. I play as Noob and Sonya, maybe looking at Ermac as well.

I am having problems playing online on my ps3 over here. Is it something to do with PSN in the UK, MK in the UK or just my internet?

PSN is StrangerNinja

Good shit man.
Im UK too but in NI lol Once I get my new PS3 I'll play ya! ;)

All the best,


I'm kinda new to MK played a little bit of MK2 but thats it. I play as Noob and Sonya, maybe looking at Ermac as well.

I am having problems playing online on my ps3 over here. Is it something to do with PSN in the UK, MK in the UK or just my internet?

PSN is StrangerNinja

Are you still having problems? Im from the UK and only started playing online two days ago but i've not experienced any problems getting online yet, only problem I have is with some lag even in England rooms -_-

Add me up if you can get online anyway im not awesome but im determined to get good at this game :)
Yeh I still can't get online. I thought it might have been their servers as I can still play CoD online. Maybe I need to rework my router settings. Feel free to add me while I am trying to sort out my net though and then I will accept it afterwards. I am pretty rubbish, but am also trying to get goodish at this game hopefully.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Welcome, man!

No issues in the states with the online, hopefully you can get on in the near future!
Ok, Silwok I added you to psn but i still can't get online to work. Are there certain ports I need to open on my router, to get a better connection like with CoD or do I just have a shit router?