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New member with questions


Hello everyone. I've been following this site for a while to see what it's all about, and now I've decided to join/post. Loving the combos and talk between players about all things MK. Just had a few newbie questions.

First, my favorite character in this game is between Reptile and Sub-Zero. So, far, I feel that Sub-Zero is really easy to play, but Reptile's force balls have been really neat and fun since MK2. So, I wanted to ask...are there certain stereotypes that are placed on characters in MK9? Or does each character just fulfill those roles based on how the player plays. (Are certain characters zoners, or are players zoners?)

Also, in that respect, what roles do Sub-Zero and Reptile serve? Since I lean more towards Reptile, what type of role do I seem to prefer? This would help out a lot if roles were character-specific, cause I've been having a tough time choosing a main. Thanks! :D


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Welcome to TYM! :)

As far as stereotypes on characters go, they definitely do exist. Both characters are fairly zone-based, but definitely perform zoning in drastically different ways. Sub-Zero aims to push to the corner for heinous traps, and Reptile aims to maintain a specific spacing depending on the opponent.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Welcome to TYM :coffee:

Be sure to post any character specific question in the respective characters forums to make sure you get all the answers you need for anything.

Thanks for signing up and posting!