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New member - just wanna say hello


Respect to everybody!

I am a new member here at TYM. Thought I should start by saying hi and telling a bit about me.

I am now 32, will be 33 in May so I guess I'm probably the oldest member here! I live in Norway so the time difference is huge.

I have always loved the fighting genre. My first memories after mario games are of my buddy showing me MK 1 on his PC and doing fatalities. I never played that myself.

I have played a bit Killer Instint like thousand years ago. I tried a bit Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance when that was out but not much. I play a lot of Tekken 6 now. I am by the way a medical doctor I haven't that much time to play videogames, so I suck very much.

But I am so hyped for this game and want to be really good. Hope to be a part of this good community.



Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Welcome to TYM! Also, you're definitely not the oldest. :)


Blue Blurs for Life!
I was about to say that you are far from the oldest new member here, but they beat me to it, LOL. Besides, Mortal Kombat is for ALL ages to enjoy! (well, almost all ages...LOL)

A-hem. You've come to the right place. Welcome to TestYourMight!


Thanks guys! Good to know (or maybe a bit disturbing) that I'm not the oldest guy around playing bloody videogames!

MK has a legacy and I think we'll see alot of older people playing this time around! We akll who grew up in the late 80's and early 90's as teenagers are having a comeback with this game!

Already from what I have seen and tried MK9 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MvC3


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Hey Original Razer, dude who is that guy in your avy? Not the guy from TMNT 3 is it? lol that's cool how you modded the MK dragon on it!


Kombat Konnoisseur
Hey Original Razer, dude who is that guy in your avy? Not the guy from TMNT 3 is it? lol that's cool how you modded the MK dragon on it!
Thanx man. Thats Ogami (Lone Wolf) Itto from Shogun Assassin (One of my fav films of all time) and the Lone Wolf and Cub movies.
Check that shit out

"They will pay... with Rivers of Blood."

All the best,


Premium Supporter
Haha, why is it that people hate talking about how "old" they are?

That just means you're even MORE of an MK-Veteran. ;)

I'm 27 btw. And Welcome to the site, Dr. Bhup!


Kombat Konnoisseur
Haha, why is it that people hate talking about how "old" they are?

That just means you're even MORE of an MK-Veteran. ;)

I'm 27 btw. And Welcome to the site, Dr. Bhup!
Im actually embarrased about how much younger I am than most of you guys lmao!

All the best,