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New Character Discussion - What Kind of Character Would You Like to See?


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Making this thread because our input could very well inspire or mean the creation of a new character whether it's in MK9 or future games. Now, you have to really think about this and not just throw shit together... because you also have to think about all of the other characters in the MK universe and somehow make them different. Totally new special moves, back story, etc or it could be a character that is a spouse of sibling to another character - the options are really endless, but either way... put your minds to work.

Male or female? What race are they? Are the a descendant? Are they a god? Are they good or evil? Are they human? And so on...


I want to see a character who uses multiple fighting styles. That would be unique in a game where every character only has one fighting style. I don't care about age, sex, race or any of that so long as I get a complex character with multiple fighting styles.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I was thinking honestly other day, the one thing MK hasn't done yet is a Werewolf character :) and and perhaps an alien like character


What the MK team should do is have a contest where the MK fans can dress up or draw, sculpt or paint a character based off ourselves or of our making and the best ones get chosen and then they make YOUR character canon and give you a reward and props in the credits!

This would be a sick idea honestly!


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I was thinking honestly other day, the one thing MK hasn't done yet is a Werewolf character :) and and perhaps an alien like character


What the MK team should do is have a contest where the MK fans can dress up or draw, sculpt or paint a character based off ourselves or of our making and the best ones get chosen and then they make YOUR character canon and give you a reward and props in the credits!

This would be a sick idea honestly!
I gotta admit... a Werewolf character would be neat.


What's funny is that Shock and I were talking just last night about how the KI characters could fit into the Mortal Kombat universe.

Fulgore - Ultratech rivals the Lin Kuei with their own cyborg. Fulgore's real purpose is to find and defeat Goro, and bring him back to Ultratech...to be cybernetically enhanced and meshed with Fulgore to create the ultimate fighting machine... FULGORO!

Glacius - The race that originally taught the earliest members of the Lin Kuei how to master the cold. Finally free from Ultratech, Glacius realizes that what his race taught the Lin Kuei is being used for assassination...his goal is to stop Sub-Zero at all costs.

Cinder - Cinder is attacked and subdued by Shang Tsung. Believing him to be a similar being to Blaze, he is forced to fight in the Mortal Kombat tournament in case Goro should fail.

Jago - After much research, he learns that both Gargos and Eyedol were enslaved by a mysterious sorcerer named Shang Tsung. Burning with desire to exact his revenge against the "Tiger Spirit", Jago enters the Mortal Kombat tournament seeking to destroy both demons' true master.

Orchid - Now working with the Outworld Investigaton Agency to uncover the truth behind why Shang Tsung has an interest in Gargos and Eyedol.

Riptor - After the Killer Instinct tournament, Riptor learns the truth about his origins. He is a clone from DNA that Ultratech could not identify... Riptor's only clue to who he really is comes in a direct message from Raiden himself... "Find Reptile and defeat him..."

Sabrewulf - As Sabrewulf begins his descent into madness, he has visions of a Shaman who can channel the spirit of the wolf. Knowing he does not have much time, Sabrewulf seeks out this Shaman, hoping that he can help him at least retain his sanity before he falls entirely into feral madness.

TJ Combo - Recruited by Kano after the Killer Instinct tournament, Combo has the only cybernetic arm implants strong enough to compete with Jax. Defeat Jax, and TJ Combo is promised all the wealth he lost before he was thrown out of Professional Boxing.

Spinal - Hunted by Shang Tsung, Spinal's soul is magically bound to his bones. Shang Tsung will stop at nothing to steal it, and Spinal must compete in Mortal Kombat to fight for his very soul.

Eyedol and Gargos - Resurrected by Shang Tsung without the knowledge of Shao Kahn or Goro. Tsung intends to use these mortal enemies to help him enslave all of Outworld and the Earthrealm...including Goro and Shao Kahn.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
One of my friends from another site concerning a thread called "characters who would fit in well in MK series" posted Sabrewulf from KI, after I suggested someone from KI or perhaps a WW character, he said how about "Sabrewulf?" Two birds with one stone on that one lol. Plus, Rare is owned by M$$ so It would be rad if xbox got him as their exclusive.
a) Ever since I heard about how MK2's Kintaro evolved from an original concept that basically boiled down to being a sort of Tiger-man/Weretiger fighter (who was originally going to be a playable character instead of a boss), I always wondered what they could have done if they actually followed through with that idea. Werewolves are seen fairly often in fighting games, but there aren't too many Werecats of some sort. Could end up being very interesting, especially if he and Reptile ended up as rivals (playing up the old "Tiger" and "Dragon" rivalry in Asian mythos).

b) For a series that's all about maiming and murdering people, we've never seen Boon and them do more to involve some one who's actually more along the lines of a normal looking, psychopathic serial killer or whatever. Hell, that much ended up being why I liked the "MKRebirth" thing when I saw it last summer. Give some one relatively unassuming, like an "Ichi the Killer" type, some type of interesting super power/martial art or otherwise, and let's see what happens, shall we? If there's one thing I didn't like about MK going for the super-natural wuxia theme by MK2, it's that it did a lot to down play the notion of more "normal people" like Stryker having a reason to be up in the mix. And I could stand to see that changed.

c) By later in the series, the Red Dragon supposedly were experimenting with Reptile and one of those two dragon's DNA to make their own "super dragon soldier" hybrids amongst their ranks. Well, what's stopping NRS to put that ahead of schedule and introducing some one like that sooner rather than later? Could be either a willing participant, or the possible "They dun taken away my HUMANITY~!" type of character. In any case, could be interesting, or even a means of re-vamping a character like Chameleon or Khameleon.