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new arcade idea


okay guys i posted something about a month ago about the arcade machine i was building. well i got a computer tower and monitor, wireless mouse and keyboard but then i found this on craigslist. omg this seems so much easier. a simple modded xbox loaded w/ features easpecially mk 2 and 3, so basically all i need is a stick to plug up to make it a true arcade machine.


I buy Broken Xboxs Please email with Info.

Want the Ultimate Gameing System.All My Softmodded Xboxs Come with a Backup Disc. And i will Warranty my Mod for 6 months. I have Over 60 Happy Customers All over the US. Give me a Call at 423-554-3173 or [email protected]
This Xbox has been Softmodded with XBMC (Xbox Media Center) Has the 360 Blade Skin Installed As you can see by the pictures Can customize the Back ground for each Blade,

Has 19 Emulators installed NES,SNES,Sega, N64, PS1, Atari Lynx, Atari 2600/5200/7800, MSX Emulator,Msdos,GameBoy Advance,Game Gear,Killer Instinct 1+2 Arcade Primal Rage Arcade, Mortal Kombat 2+3 Arcade,

Neo Geo CD, Neo Pocket,PC Engine,Virtualboy,X68000,MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator)7000 + Roms Included only on 40gb and above systems . Due to Hard drive Space 5000+ on 30gb Has Linux On it .. Can surf the Internet. Includes Xbox Game Backup Software DVD2Xbox (only on xbox games you own) Back them games up right to the Hard drive And

play them from the Hard drive without the Disc. Want a Great Media Center? Hook this thing to a home network and stream video and music from you PC right to your TV, Watch DVDS without the Remote and sensor,

And this thing will still of course play xbox games. FTP Files (video/music ect).Plays Files Like AVI/MPG/MP3/PSP (Mp4),Mkv, This is just a few formats it plays. This is for the Xbox Complete System, 1 Controller,Power and AV Cables Buyer is more then welcome to Test the system out before.

buying it. Please Call for more information 423-554-3173.....Dont believe the Xbox can do these things Check my youtube Video of my personal 250gb Halo Xbox (Keyword 250gb Halo Xbox)

Please Note . All systems Are Complete with Xbox, 1 Controller, Power and Av Cables, A New DVD Remote Kit (can be used to control XBMC stop play pause your movies and music)Remote Kit free with the purchase of an 80gig or $5 extra with all other systems below a 80gb

Orignal Xbox Modded $60
Modded 30gb $75
Modded 40gb $85
Modded 80GB $125 (any System Above a 80gb Are built on request)
Modded 120gb $150
Modded 160gb $175
Modded 200gb $200
Modded 250gb $225
Modded 500gb $325

Please Note This is not a Xbox 360

Have a Xbox Already.. Does it not read anymore games??? Turn it into The Xbox you see Above. Once a unmodded xbox DVD drive stops reading games. u cant do anything with it anymore unless you spend money

on a New drive or laser.... Bring it to me And i can Softmod it and install a 80gb Hard drive for $85.. I will turn your xbox that is collecting dust into the Ultimate Media Center.....Just Want it Modded With no Larger Hard drive. $40 with 9 Emulators and 2500+Roms.

I also Buy Broken Xbox Systems. Prices Range from $15-30 Please Email With system Information Mfg Date What is Included ECT. Been Modding Xboxs for over 3 years.


i called the guy and he booted mk1 and 2 and 3 from the midway treasures emulator on the 30gb xbox and he let me hear it. the sound wasnt off at all and he gave me his word that it was running at 100% full speed. our only concern was getting an arcade style stick that would plug in just like the normal xbox controller. i don know if there is such a thing but i think there is. basically all i would have to do is throw it in a cab and put a fan on it and put a 19 inch tv in it an i'm thinking it would look authentic. plz leave me any feedback because i want everones honest opinion before i do this.


I dont really understand why you would use an xbox tbh..

I've had an emulation of MK2 (no online play) on it and it did play pretty sweet, but obvius reasons IF the xbox should breakdown, you're done. Having a pc makes everything easier in the long run if you have technical problems..

Also, If you want dedicated controls on it, to hook it up you may need an apadter, wich can suck big time (delay input).

Using a PC would enable you with online play via Kaillera/P2P also, right?


i have a 6 month warranty. if i'm right about this i believe all i need is a 2 person xarcade controller and i should be done minus cutting a cab which is the easy part imo. basically make the cab set the box in it w/ a fan plug up the xarcade controller into the controller ports and set a tv into the cabinet and turn it on..am i not right?? wow i would have about 200 bucks in this thing and have 9000 plus roms in a standup arcade machine. then i can just sand the cab and get some mame and mk stickers for it. would this not technically work??


Arcade Tech
if i were you i would use a computer, being that u can do w.e you want plus you would have online capability which is badass.plus u can still use the xarcade stick and a tv.....makes more sense to me


From someone who has a softmodded xbox with XBMC, I can tell you that they're awesome unless you want to play HD movies.
I honestly don't notice any noise coming from it, and it does run MK2 full speed from MAME.

However, I've been considering replacing it with a home-theater PC running XBMC because I want to watch HD movies. The downside is that I won't be able to play any XB1 games off the hdd anymore (which I never really do anyway).