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NEW advanced Reptile mix ups (Very technical, must see.)

Now look, before i get in to anything, Im not going to reply with people who are criticizing and not have been actually paying attention what half of my combos are actually doing, so please, I ask you to PAY ATTENTION.
For those of you who don't know what cross ups are, the cross ups in my combos are putting you in the the opposite side at the end of combos, reversing your opponents Wake up buttons, and it will be almost impossible for your opponent to react to these. thus, these are pretty much fail proof. Now, lets get in this shall we?

These mix ups are VERY technical, and damaging, and they will be good to make your opponent poop his pants.. So please, again, PAY ATTENTION.

the string thats IMPORTANT: 32 invsibility 32 invisibility 32 invisiblity, 32 invisibility 122 invis.

The New mix up cross up, SLIDE WHIFFS, ITS INSANE.
JIP 321 reptile Dash 32 fast ball, 32 slide (whiff the slide) (cross up starts here) 32 invis 321 reptile dash 32 fast ball 321.

The other mix ups that include the 321 reptile dash jump backwards Reptile dash, please, I repeat, ONLY USE THESE FOR CHIP DAMAGE WHEN YOUR OPPONENT IS ABOUT TO HIT TWO BARS FOR A BREAKER. Its chip damage, and you can near 40% off if it with out them Getting a breaker!


I've started to put these in my game, its working wonders.. I totally think reptile is on a different level now, for me. Try to put it in your game.. now, watch the video.. CAREFULLY.


Oh my god. This whiffing slide is just incredible And that other mix up you have for chipping pressure is just ridiculous... this needs to get front paged, because this is the best Mix up for reptile that is out there.. as well as for the string, incredible, good shit.


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
Damn this is making Reptile look very slick. Love the mind games, at this point Reptile has been figured out so these types of mind games and pressure will really help us Reptile players stay tricky.
Damn this is making Reptile look very slick. Love the mind games, at this point Reptile has been figured out so these types of mind games and pressure will really help us Reptile players stay tricky.
Oh hell yeah! I've been inserting all of my mix ups that I released in my games, and my opponents have such a hard time with it, even the whiffing slide!
I can't wait to be on mortal mondays lol, because I want people to see how the mix ups will work.


And why does no one (anti-wakeup combo) 3,2,1~b,f+2 => NJP => b,b+3 => 3,2~b,b+1 => 2,f+3,1+2 and if we have in the arsenal of EX elbow dash which would kill any attempt (except for anything with the armor I think) as a break, that's when the enemy begins to respect the elbow dash after reset is possible to start other techniques until the beginning of a block of strings
hahaha this is damn good, i like to mess with my opponent heads so this is more than perfect bro, also the 321 dash whiff jump i already used it, invicibility 122 not, and is almost prety safe cause everyone tryes to hit after the DU4.
So i have nothing to say but thanks man, youre an awsome rep player


since 1995
I started to apply this into my strategy. This are the results:

[MENTION=7158]Muffinmuggers[/MENTION] [MENTION=3199]CitizenSnips[/MENTION] It seems I am a Spamming Mexican Monkey after using this techniques.
As someone who only dabbles in Reptile, what's the advantage of invisi-cancels, besides meter? I take it you can't be poked out of it? Is it just to reset the combo so you can continue to pressure?

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
As someone who only dabbles in Reptile, what's the advantage of invisi-cancels, besides meter? I take it you can't be poked out of it? Is it just to reset the combo so you can continue to pressure?
Mind games. The opponent can poke it but most of the time they seem to either jump or try to start a string.
As someone who only dabbles in Reptile, what's the advantage of invisi-cancels, besides meter? I take it you can't be poked out of it? Is it just to reset the combo so you can continue to pressure?
They arent inviscancels haha. they are just combo strings.
Yes, they can be poked out of, with a D3, but the thing is, I pull out the string randomly or in a very fast looking mix up, so the point of the string is to bait you into another combo, because a lot of people try to wake up, or they act as if they just got hit with a 321 and went flying.
It just happens very fast, and if it happens randomly, have fun getting eatin by another combo.
I see. That invisible 122 is pretty devious. I'm still unconvinced on it's long-term usefulness though. This seems like one of those things that should have been kept top secret.


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
Back from Test Your Rage and all I can say is that the invisibility is a great mindgame. I was able to use against opponents like Lionheart, SwiftTomHanks and Ryry with success. And this is the very first time I ever used 32invis32 etc on a real life opponent. I have mixed it in with my own 321invis tactics and it blends very well.

It is true that they CAN poke you out of it, but the point is they won't know whether or not you will complete 321 or if you will hit the invis. Now if you do hit the invis and they poke you out, you lose relatively little compared to what you can gain. I placed 2nd at the tourny and I believe the recorded matches will be uploaded within a few days.
Back from Test Your Rage and all I can say is that the invisibility is a great mindgame. I was able to use against opponents like Lionheart, SwiftTomHanks and Ryry with success. And this is the very first time I ever used 32invis32 etc on a real life opponent. I have mixed it in with my own 321invis tactics and it blends very well.

It is true that they CAN poke you out of it, but the point is they won't know whether or not you will complete 321 or if you will hit the invis. Now if you do hit the invis and they poke you out, you lose relatively little compared to what you can gain. I placed 2nd at the tourny and I believe the recorded matches will be uploaded within a few days.
Hell yeah!!! And hey, where am I on the list for Mortal monday!? And Im glad the strings and new mix ups took you places.


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
I told Shady to put you on the list, he's been busy the past week and he's the one who created the thread so I'll remind him again tomorrow.

I can't wait to rewatch the vids because I want to try to tell you guys what was going through my head and when I decided to not use or to use 32invis. If I'm remembering things clearly, I got at least a couple njp combos off of doing that and also chipped away a good chunk of health on occasion. In casuals I was getting a lot of people too. Using that mixup + going invis randomly in other strings could be a huge tool in terms of Reptile's pressuring.
I told Shady to put you on the list, he's been busy the past week and he's the one who created the thread so I'll remind him again tomorrow.

I can't wait to rewatch the vids because I want to try to tell you guys what was going through my head and when I decided to not use or to use 32invis. If I'm remembering things clearly, I got at least a couple njp combos off of doing that and also chipped away a good chunk of health on occasion. In casuals I was getting a lot of people too. Using that mixup + going invis randomly in other strings could be a huge tool in terms of Reptile's pressuring.
Im uploading a boat load of matches tomorrow.


King of the Jobbers 2015
I started to apply this into my strategy. This are the results:

[MENTION=7158]Muffinmuggers[/MENTION] [MENTION=3199]CitizenSnips[/MENTION] It seems I am a Spamming Mexican Monkey after using this techniques.
Lol that Nastradon33 guy does the same thing with me! Every single time I get rage messages after he rage quits.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
It's an okay mixup if the opponent isn't rolling their face on their attack buttons like they should during juggles... :/

It's good for people who don't abuse little stuff like that.

And 32/321 xx invis works because of the strings naked being 0 on block and acid hand, I'm now realizing. Too much to fucking guess lol, and it helps with meter building.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
This is ok on a hesitant opponent, but a good opponent will poke the Invisibility after 32.
It's good to sneak in there once in a while. But yeah, for the most part doing invisibility fucks up the pressure. You really won't see it work on someone who knows what's up.