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Never Forget.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Hope all you, who live here in the United States of America, regardless if you werent born here or whatever.....i hope you all took time to reflect on today, the 9 year anniversary of September 11, 2001.

Dont ever forget those who died for going to work that morning, or who were taken hostage on a plane going about there travels.

I will reflect tonight with this video, which was actually taken from the super bowl, from the 2001 season (which was also in New Orleans, who would in there own ways suffer the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina a couple years later)...

Just dont ever forget these people and dont ever forget the way you felt that day.



This doesn't only concern citicens of the USA, this concerns the western civilisation as a whole.

We always remember this day and and the bombing in Madrid for instance..

I signed both petitions, thanks Scheiss.


Forum General Emeritus
At the time of the first tower coming down, I was driving to school (undergrad freshman) and I did an immediate U-turn to come back home. Good thing I did, because 15 minutes later the lanes out of the city were grid-locked.
I was in 4th grade at the time and in the middle of class. I remember the principal went on the intercom and started talking about it. Parents were picking up students. Sad say. I hope the victims are resting in peace.

And about the mosque being built. While building a mosque shouldn't matter, it's not right to build it on Ground Zero. Just saying.


This shouldn't even be a point of dicussion if "they" are so peace-loving and everything, they shouldn't resist the objections and just move their shit elsewhere.


EFL Founder
ScheissNussen said:
He is saying that if it is such a peace-loving religious organization, then they wouldn't push the subject of trying to build a mosque in the same vicinity as ground-zero. Because it is one of the touchiest subjects in America at the moment, and will cause conflict (and has already). If they truly loved peace, they would realize this.

It has less to do with Muslims as it has to do with Religious organizations and people fail to make that distinction. Religious organizations are quite often aggressive, not necessarily the people that follow the actual religion, or feel they are following it like the happy customers of Islam that thought they were doing a solid for their peaceful religion when they failed to "interpret" their favorite book correctly and murdered a bunch of people for imaginary un-soured vagina.
Oh right... how'd I miss that?