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Netcode lags?


Positive Poster!

You probably don't understand a few things. If this seems redundant, just disregard. I'll post it here because people seriously need to stop using that word as some sort of mantra that's the source of all issues with online play.
There is no such thing as "netcode".
The Internet is comprised of services, users and end-users. A service provider is something like Comcast in the States or T-Systems in Europe. Users are people who use these services, such as NRS who outsources (rents/hires) for a service solution to be able to market their product on the Internet. This product consists of server software and client software. An end-user such as me or you uses the client to connect to the server, software to software. Through the internet. Connection quality is influenced by the quality of the provided internet service, and the connection you have to this service. The code of the end-user client and the server host has very little influence on the speed of your connection; it influences the quality of the data transferred though, but that is not "NETcode", it's something completely irrelevant to your online experience because of the following factors:

Now let's separate the terms of lag, delay, input-delay, load, and stutter.

Stutter or graphical issues can come from inadequate hardware in your pc or poor optimisation. In MK's case it's the latter on PC.

Load is when you experience delay but it's actually your cpu (processor) trying to catch up to the information. (This is when you update, to do better.)

Input-delay is where the code comes into play, but there are articles on this one and it's too long to explain, let's just say it even happens if you play on the same console or same pc, but the magnitude of it only becomes apparent due to:

Latency. Your virtual distance from the service will mean that you have several thousands of miles of cable, or a single lan cable, or even various transmission stations, between you and where your client sends the game data to. You could be sitting next to a Comcast server machine with your laptop on a T-Home stick and experience vast latency because guess what, you're connecting via mobile connection to a server in Europe and then several transmission stations, before you reach Comcast. Or you could be at the opposite end of the world connecting to a Comcast direct satellite with a military receiver and have a better ping than the motherfucker playing the game on the host machine. (kidding, this is not happening but you get the point)

Delay in overall is the right term to use when you press a button and the punch happens half an hour later. The source of the delay takes a little bit of research to find, whether it is Stutter, Load, horrible Input-Delay or Latency. Whatever it is, you'll cry "lag" because your game is lagging behind the inputs.

But lag is not a term we can technically refer to.
It's like Netcode. Angry kids cry it out if they get bodied.