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Neo Geo X



WOW! This game looks AWESOME and REALLY CLEVER. Holy crap - I bet this game will eventually come out for the NGX! UGH - I hate getting obsessed over expensive toys....some things never change..... :rolleyes:

Tim Static

I don't even know what Windjammers is!!!!

WOW! This game looks AWESOME and REALLY CLEVER. Holy crap - I bet this game will eventually come out for the NGX! UGH - I hate getting obsessed over expensive toys....some things never change..... :rolleyes:
Dude, that is the greatest 1v1 game ever made. Should be at Evo & MLG every year lol :coffee:

And a sequel would be nice too :(


Get staffed bro
Its pretty cool but impossible to justify given to ease of getting a perfectly emulated version. Its emulated anyway apparently.


Um how about supporting the company that spent time and money to develop it instead of stealing it?
That is a shockingly novel idea! It's a shame that things have gotten to the point where people don't believe that the people who did the work are getting the money. Obviously because there have been so many examples of the contrary in modern society. Unfortunately, the small guys get the short end of the stick in that regard.

It's a lot of money that I can't afford at the moment, especially as I want to get a PS4 this year, and my PS Vita is 9000x more powerful, but there is really something to be said for supporting the company and having an "official" product - as well as fulfilling a loooooong dream to actually own a Neo Geo!!!

(crap, I hope i'm not convincing myself to buy one now)


Get staffed bro
Um how about supporting the company that spent time and money to develop it instead of stealing it?
Well when they did supply games, it was at a price point that no-one could reach. Despite being an avid gamer, and being surrounded by like minded people, I don't know a single person that bought a Neo Geo console. Games were £200+ back in the 90s so 'supporting' them wasn't even an option.

I'm very much against piracy and in fact the only games I ever pirated, were ps1 games back in the days when the gap between Japan and UK releases releases were a minimum of 6 months, and had considerable slow down (NTSC to PAL) and huge black borders to boot. It wasn't a case of money, it was a case of getting the best experience you could.

Sorry but this is way over and above the 'too little too late' mark. I spent a considerable amount of cash on Neo Geo arcades back in the day but this kind of money for something like this is just out of the question. The only people that this will appeal to is those that aren't aware of emulation and have too much disposable income.

I can't express enough how much I loved games like Metal Slug and Samurai showdown, but the only support Joe Average could have showed is by plugging £1 coins into the arcade machines.


Looks like that list is for volumes 1-5

NEOGEO X Classics: Volume I will blasts onto North American retail shelves in late April 2013, and will dazzle action fans with shoot 'em up classics METAL SLUG, SENGOKU, and TOP HUNTER, all on one NEOGEO X Game Card!