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Need some serious help from anyone! skilled or not

I had the same problem as ItzKeene before http://testyourmight.com/forum/showthread.php?8973-I-need-some-help!!!-Calling-all-god-like-Players, I didn't know who to pick, then I saw some high skilled players playing KL and I thought wth, even though he looks like crap that doesn't mean that he is bad or not "clickable" with me, so I tried him and I really liked him, but now I'm at the point where I'm quite okay with him but unable to do kombos that does above 30% damage due to I don't know, I guess Im too bad? Even though I love his SPIN and I can't live without it, I'm eager to try other characters but I'm way too influenced by the tiers of every character and how good they are or bad that I for some reason just see the cons and not the pros, it's like "oh sektor looks cool, I love his mk3 costumes cuz I used to play him when I was 5 years old (nostalgic hence loving the costumes and the char) I like the rockets but uhm, he sucks is not in the top tier, I cannot win any tournament or something in the future with him + I don't know his kombos and I just cba to learn them due to the cons that is mashed up in my head by all the reading on the forums" This ALWAYS happens when I get on the forums (any forum, any game) and try practicing to become skilled to be able to compete in small tournaments. And when this happens all the character besides the character I play becomes unattractive in all kind of ways and I end up getting bored of the game. If someone by any means has any advice to say, please do so because I've loved this game since I was 5 and I really don't wanna stop playing it!

I wrote this real quick so I'm sure I have done some grammar mistakes
Best regards Zurek1337


Sinestro's might!
Look through several characters you like, try a few and go back and forth between them for a few months until you discover your main.

Thats how I found mine.

Tong Lung

What is a breaker?
If you want to improve and learn good bnb's etc my general tips are just to watch good combo vids, scour forums such as this one for good info and watching tournament streams etc.

Don't forget that combos are only one part of your strategy, try to look for more in-depth strategies such as mixups, pokes or even going as far as analyzing frame data and crazy sht like that :)

Try playing against different characters and looking for patterns, reading your opponent etc.
Other than that just practice and give it some time.

That's really the only advice I can give so far since I'm a noob now haha.


With Kung Lao hitting 30% combos is perfectly fine, it's only when you begin to spend meter is when his stuff gets bumped up into higher numbers. His damage scaling is a bit more than the average of the cast, which can normally do 35-40% combos with no meter(see Nightwolf, Cage, Smoke, Scorpion, Raiden) and when they do use meter, they get bumped into the 40's and even 50's(see Kitana).

That's the thing with Kung Lao though, is that he has the versatility to get a combo off of any jump in with a spin, a low hitting 2,4 and is fast across the screen, so he lands them often. It's not really about landing huge damage combos in Mortal Kombat in my opinion. If you can consistently and it's a safe setup, go for it, but otherwise it becomes more about the simple gameplay like space control and meter management that can really dictate the match and help you win more often.

If you don't plan on staying with Lao then just hop around with characters, look into the move list and learn all of their normals. See if they are fast enough or hit hard enough for you to like them, or say if the character has heavy high/low mixup. Just try to find a character that you like his basic playstyle and stick to them. So if that is finding an easy to hit 40% combo with no meter, power to you for wanting the high risk/high payout. But every style has a counter in this game and can be thrown off it's rocker with someone who can counter it well.

Now I'm not saying that I'm this amazing player, because I'm not. It's just that I enjoy the philosophy to fighting games, especially Mortal Kombat. But all that seems to slip away in the middle of a match for me too, so that's understandable :D best of luck to you


I'd say give Sektor a try. He's actually very good, with his 1, 2, b+1 combo leading into any of his kicks, then teleport punch combo. And his wake-up game is amazing with his EX Teleport Punch or just a normal one.
Sektor is a great zoner too. His Homing Rocket and normal rockets keep an Opponent at bay. Oh, and if they try to escape or throw a projectile, just teleport. Works a lot since many people have no experience with Sektor.

I mean, I've liked Sub-Zero since I was 4 years old in the arcade, and now I use CSZ since I like his powers and his looks. Tier means nothing to me, because, in my opinion, almost any character in this game can be good. Besides, going to a tournament with and underused character(Note: not a crap character, just underused) really surprises your opponent. Just try out all the characters and find out what's your playstyle.
First and foremost sektor far from sucks. Secondly to be honest you should find a character that fits your style. Being comfortable with a fighter will get you Alot farther than some stupid tier list. (just so you know. There is Alot of debate surrounding sektors position on the list. Some put him upper middle some in lower middle) I say give him a shot. His combos are brutal.

Sent from my Gameboy Color